Your New Friend, My Old Friend

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A/N: I just realized that her shirt says Nia...🤦🏾‍♀️. Ignore that plz. ON WITH THE STORY

Kendi's POV

My baby left to go to work and now I'm bored. I heard my phone ding and I looked at it. It was her. My entire heart leaped into the air. I picked up my phone and looked at the text.

Wifey 💍😍: idk if you're woke or not buh you needa get dressed cause we having guest over

Me: who tf you bringing in my house 🤔

Wifey💍😍: A new friend...don't worry about her she seemed down and I invited her over to the house for breakfast

Wifey💍😍: Instead of questioning me you should be getting dressed

Me: Girl this my house first of all secondly she can have breakfast at your house Ill meet y'all over there


Wifey💍😍: Whatever just be ready 🙄 and I'm not driving "dumbass"

Me: ok 👌🏾

Bullshit she not texting and driving. I mean she only texts at red lights but still she shouldn't do it at all. I rolled out of my bed and went to the shower. I did my hygiene and went to get dressed. I put on a grey v-neck and some grey joggers with some grey Nike slides. I mean who was I really trying to impress? I threw my dreads into a ponytail and walked the couple blocks to her house. Her car wasn't here so she had to be still on the way. I used my key to open the door and go in the kitchen. Might as well start because Ciera is so extra when it comes to entertaining guests. She always makes more than she needs and then gets mad when there's hella leftovers. I decided to be like them people on Tastemade on Snapchat and make some outta pocket extra ass shit. I decided on cinnamon roll pancakes and bacon. It wasn't as complicated as they made it seem. The hardest part was to get the cinnamon butter thingy to melt and not get harder.

I invited Quita, Kia, Nat, Gabby, and Michele over because why not. When all of us are together you're bound to smile because we all act like fools over here. Ciera did say that she seemed down. Maybe she needed the right group of people to make her find her smile. I heard a car door slam as I was finishing the last pancake. "Hey it's alright. She may seem like an asshole at first or all the time but once you get to know her you realize that she's really sweet. To an extent but you'll be fine," I heard Ciera say walking into the house. I mean It isn't entirely a lie. "BABY," she yelled as I heard keys hit the counter. "In the kitchen," I yelled back. A few seconds later I saw her walking in with a girl behind her. She looked really familiar but I couldn't place it. After I finished making the food I heard the doorbell ring. "Who's at the door?" Ciera asked getting up from sitting with that girl. She was quiet the whole time listening to Ciera ramble about random shit. "I may or may have not invited everyone else over," I said and Ciera tilted her head. "What? I thought she could use a smile and you know when we all get together there's never a straight face in the room," I said shrugging my shoulders and finished washing the dishes I used.

Ciera's POV

Quita's hungry ass ran up in the kitchen and sat down first. Everyone soon followed her sitting down. Nat and Gabby aren't morning so I doubt that they even looked at Kendi's message.. The earliest they normally get up is 12. It's 10:30 so I put some of the food away for them. When I got back mostly everyone was talking and eating except ole girl. She was silently picking at her food. I went and sat next to her. "Hey you good?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders. "Ok well lemme introduce style," I whispered and she tilted her head to the side. "That's Marquita...the fat ass of the group. Don't let her near any food that you want because she's like a food vacuum. That's Kia...I don't really know her but her and Quita say they aren't together but I beg to differ. You see how close they're sitting. Like damn give each other some space," I whispered. "Aya leave room for Jesus you two," I said and they immediately moved apart earning a giggle from the girl next to me. "Anyways that's Michele...she's pretty chill. She's that one bitch who be feeling herself even when she looks like an entire bum," I said and she chuckled some more eating her food. Yaaaay she's feeling better.

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