Wedding Shenanigans

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Two Months Later

Michele's POV

"Dri! Let's go we're gonna be late," I called out to Adrianna. So we are together and I love every second of it. I haven't been this happy since her...but that's the past. The one thing I hate is that she takes forever to get ready. We haven't been late to anything because of it but we always cut it close. "ADRIANNA COME ON BEFORE I LEAVE YO ASS HERE," I yelled grabbing my keys. We had to be there early and she was about to make us late. I'm not going to be the reason something goes wrong at someone's wedding. She wasn't ready so I got off the couch and headed for the garage door when I heard her booming footsteps come down the steps. She was fiddling with her bow tie and then she looked up and frowned. "You were really going to leave me here?" she asked following me out of the house. "Yes because you were taking forever to get ready," I said getting in the car with her and pulling out of the garage. She finally got her bow tie together and looked at me. "It's going to be hard keeping my hands off you when you look so sexy," she said putting her hand on my thigh. I deeply inhaled and swatted her hand away. "No, not right now," I said keeping my hands on the wheel. "But I need you nowww," she whined and folded her arms pouting. I swear this girl's sex drive is higher than a bunny. "You'll be fine," I said focusing on the road.

When we finally made it there I hurried up and got out the car. Adrianna had been touching me the entire time. "Wait baby come back," she said catching up with me. "Are you done?" I asked as she wrapped her arms around my waist. Her lips met mine and we kissed. I broke the kiss looking at my watch for the time realizing that we were officially late. "Come on we're late now," I said breaking free from her grip. I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the building. She was muttering something behind me but I paid her no mind. When we were finally in we saw Kendi texting on her phone by the door. She looked up and threw her hands up in frustration. "There y'all are. I mean I could understand Marquita but I would have never thought you too," she said. "Natalia is in the room at the end of the hall and Gabbriella is at the room in that hallway," she said returning to her phone while pointing in different directions. "Quita and Kia not here yet?" Dri asked and Kendi shook her head no. "Then again Marquita's never on time for anything," Kendi said as Ciera came and saw us standing there. "The guests are supposed to start arriving in 30 minutes. Where is Marquita and Kia?" she asked after waving at us. "Kia said they're 5 minutes away," Kendi said and we started laughing. "Unless Kia is driving that means they're around the corner," I said which was very true. Marquita has the worst habit of speeding when she's late somewhere.

Ciera's POV

After talking to Adrianna and Michelle for a while they went off to see Gabby and Nat. A couple seconds later Quita and Kia came and Kia had the angriest look on her face. "Where is Natalia?" she asked and Kendi and I pointed in the direction of her room. Marquita had a sheepish look on her face. "What did you do?" I asked and she scratched the back of her head. "Honestly it wasn't my fault. I told her to go in the bathroom before me and she insisted that I go first. In her words, I take forever and should wake up three years before I need to be somewhere because I take forever to get ready. So by the time I was done she was complaining that she had literally five minutes if we wanted to be on time. Thus, meaning she is barefaced," she said in one breath and shrugged her shoulders at the end. "Oh wow," Kendi said chuckling. "I mean she doesn't need it so why is she tripping?" I said and Marquita high fived me. "Ex-mother-fucking-actly I kept telling her that on the way here but she didn't want to hear any of it. She acts like she beats her face every day too. Literally all she does is eye shadow, eye liner, lipstick, and her eyebrows. She won't look any different if she didn't do that. She would still be beautiful. I just wish that she could see that," Qutia said ranting. "Well I mean she probably wanted to look good for the pictures and that's understandable," I said and she shrugged her shoulders again.

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