Save Me

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Natalia's POV

     I woke up in bed. All the memories of yesterday flood my memory. I try to jump up but I'm stuck. I feel a pair of arms tightly gripping my waist preventing me from going anywhere. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and immediately wanted to change. "Good morning princess," the voice behind me said. I tried to pry the hands from around my waist but that didn't work. Her soft yet hard voice was so noticeable and I wanted to rid it from my mind. I felt my eyes water. "Cammy why are you doing this?" I ask trying to keep my voice from cracking. She didn't answer all she did was let go and got out the bed and walked out of the room. I looked for my phone but I couldn't find it. I got up and ran to the door but it was locked. I started to bang on the door and it swung open hitting me in my forehead and I almost fell. She grabbed me by my dreads and dragged me down the hall and down the steps. I almost immediately regretted getting carpet on the stairs. She dragged me to the kitchen and sat me down at the island. She took out some handcuffs and cuffed me to the chair. The tears started to slowly roll down my face. She walked out of room for about a minute before cursing and coming back to me. She backhanded me. "How did you tell Gabby I was here?" She asked and I looked at her with pure hatred. "I haven't talked to my GIRLFRIEND since I dropped her off at the airport. How am I supposed to call her without my phone? pendejo," I mumbled the last part. Wow mama is really rubbing off on me.

     "You know what...I'm doing this for you so you can drop the attitude before shit gets worse for you," she said through gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes and she walked away. How much worse can it get I'm handcuffed to a chair, I feel grungy because I haven't showered since the day before yesterday, I'm hungry as fuck, I miss my girlfriend, and there is a psychopath in my house. To think that all of this was because I'm afraid to take a damn airplane," I whispered to myself. One more night of this and then Gabby is home and will save me. I just hope Cammy doesn't get any ideas before then. After hearing a door slam shut Cammy walked back in with a smile on her face. "Honey bear I'm backkkk," she said placing a plastic bag on the table. I didn't know what kind of stuff was in the bag but she started to take out styrofoam containers. I smelled food and my stomach growled quite loudly. She laughed and passed me one of the boxes. I used my free hand to open it to see my favorite food in there. Pancakes with sausage links, hash browns, and toast. How the fuck did she know? "I got your favorite food so you would be happy. I know you're mad at me but I love you and I'm determined to show you that before Gabbriella steals you completely away from me," she said with a sheepish smile. I instantly grew angry and I'm sure my light skinnededness showed that. I'm sure my face was red as hell and I could hear the handcuff chain shaking against the chair.

     "You love me? YOU LOVE ME? Where was the love when I came to you crying because Gabbriella found out and broke up with me? Where was the love when I told what happened with Sam and Adriana and you blamed it on me?  Adriana died because of YOU! Sam got taken from us because of YOU! YOU told me that she never loved me anyways and that's why she broke up with me! YOU filled my head with stupid lies and told Gabby false truths. Even though I'm glad I didn't, I was going to move on. Dri, Sam, and I were going to move and be a family. YOU ruined that for me. I thought I was going to be happy finally and be done with everything that comes with this stupid city but YOU ruined that for me. But I refuse to allow you to mess up anything for me again. I love Gabbriella NO ONE will come in between us again. So, keep what you believe is love to yourself. Love is when you can't live without that person. Love is when she leaves for literally 15 minutes and it feels like 15 years. Love is when no matter how much they fuck up, they still come back and could never stay mad at you forever. Love is when you're on your period and she deals with your shit because no matter what you are the air she breathes and the water she drinks. Love is when you can sit in silence for hours on the phone while she rants about all the shit that goes on in her life. Love is when she breaks up with you and moves on you don't want anyone else to hold her at night. Love is when she moves on after the break up and you are ok with it because all you want her to be is happy and if that's not with you feel good because she's happy. Love is when you cheat on her and the whole time its happening you are thinking of her. LOVE IS NOT THIS SHIT. Forcing me to stay in here, in my house, with no way to contact people who I love. That's not love. I hope that you find that person who makes smile by just crossing your mind. Who's smile lights up your world and makes your day 1,000,000 times better no matter how shitty its going," I said tears now pouring down my face.

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