Somethings Not Right

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Natalia's POV

     "LIL KODAK THEY DON'T WANNA SEE YOU WINNING THEY WANNA SEE YOU IN THE PENITENTIARY" my phone alarm went off and tried to get up but Gabbriella had me in a death grip. She was still asleep I assumed so I gently shook her yet she was dead asleep. I'll give it to her... she was in the studio till 11:00 last night and it is 4:00 in the morning but I told her dumbass to get a later flight. Mama told her the same thing but here we are. "Gabs you gotta get up babe," I said shaking her a little more and she groaned tightening her hold on me. I rolled my eyes, if we could be any closer, I thought sarcastically. I slapped her arms that were around my waist and she jumped. "Owwww what did I do?" She whined and I got out of the bed. "You need to get up so you and mama can catch the flight," I said and she groaned again before rolling out of the bed. "Are you all packed?" I asked and she nodded. Alright I'll go make you guys something to eat. Go get ready," I said walking out of the room. I went downstairs and started to make food that I knew (1) wouldn't take long to make and (2) wouldn't make a mess in my car. I ended up making breakfast sandwiches. I made two with ham and egg, one with sausage and egg, and two with just sausage. Once I was done and bagged everything into a big lunch bag I went upstairs to check on Gabby. I went in our room and heard the shower running. I looked at my phone and it was 4:30. I banged on the door as to tell her to hurry up and put on a hoodie and sweats. A minute later she walked out the bathroom in a sports bra and boxers. Her hair was dripping wet. "Catch a cold if you want to," I thought to myself and grabbed her stuff taking it down to my car.

     After she was dressed and in the car I drove to mama's house and she was waiting outside on her porch. "I know this mother fucker," Gabby mumbled under her breath and I chuckled. Mama walked to the car and smiled at me. "Good Morning Natalia," she said and I smiled saying good morning back. I started the car and Gabby looked back surprised, "Wow no good morning to me...and I'm your flesh and blood." I laughed "If you would have gotten here earlier you would have had one but that's life I guess," she said passing the lunch bag up to where we were. "Man what?" She said irritation ringing in her voice. I grabbed my sandwiches and started to eat one. "I said what I said and what I said is what I said," she said. "You know what," Gabby said turning on the radio, "imma just eat my food and shut up. Cause I'm fighting a battle I can't win." I laughed even harder but still kept my focus on the road. The rest of the ride was silent except for the music playing. Most likely because Gabby had went back to sleep and I think so did mama but I was enjoying the somewhat silence. It was calming. When we were about three minutes away from the airport I woke up Gabby and looked back to see mama tapping away at her phone. Gabby woke up and stretched in the car. I pulled up to the drop off zone and turned the car off. I opened the trunk and helped mama get her stuff out while Gabby did too. Even though they would be gone for only three days I would still miss her like crazy.

     I could tell Gabby was stalling because she was moving extra slow. She could have taken both of her bags at the same time but she took one at a time. Why she needs to take all of this stuff when she was only going to be there for three days I have no clue. They had about two hours before their flight and Mama gave me a hug before going inside to check in. "Imma miss you," she said hugging me. "I know me too but you'll be back before you know it," I said kissing her lips. "Text me when you board and call me as soon as you land," I said and she nodded hugging me again and sniffing. "Are you crying?" I asked and she shook her head. "No," she said wiping her eyes. "Baby its three days, two sleeps and then you're back. We can FaceTime every night if it makes you feel better," I said kissing her. "Ok...I love you," she said and I nodded. "I love you too," I waved as she walked away. After she walked in the building I went back to my car and drove away. These next three days are going to be hard. I made it back home and an all too familiar car sat in our driveway. "What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself backing into the garage of the house. I get out of my car and walk in the house. I don't know if she's still out there or not because of the joint garage so I went to the front window. Her car was still there and she was standing outside of her car. I quickly grabbed my gun that I kept in the hall in the chester drawer. I put it in my sweats and covered it with my shirt. I go to the door and see her standing there. I open the door slowly and put on a fake smile. "Cammy what are you doing here?"

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