Pep Rally

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Natalia's POV

     Now I know what you're thinking. I'm still fucking Cammy but that's not the case. Well, not entirely the case. She's been trying to talk to me more as of lately but I told her we are strictly business. She seems not to understand that. I texted her and told her that I had something to tell her. I thought about something am I going to make money without drugs. I could get a job somewhere but that means I have to go finish my degree. I originally started selling so that I could stay in school but then drugs became more demanding so I dropped out. I have like a year left but I don't know if I really want to do a desk job. "Baby I'm about to go," I yelled from downstairs. She beat feet down the steps, "Where you going?" She asked pulling me closer. "I'm about to go tell Cammy about my decision. But I've been thinking, yea your music can carry us but I don't want to feel like I'm mooching off of you. So I might get a job," I said and she smiled. "Baby you don't have to, I got us-" "I know," I cut her off, "Still I would be home all day long, bored as fuck, and missing you. Imma need something to keep me busy while your gone." She sighed, "well since you want to do this so bad, I can see if there is anything you can do at the studio. That way you won't be far from me and you won't be bored," she said kissing my neck. "Thank you so much. But I'll be back soon. Love you," I said kissing her lips. "Wait baby...I wanna come with you," she said putting on her slides and a hoodie. "Ok but hurry up," she ran upstairs, probably to get her phone.

     I walked in my office and Cammy was already there. She smiled but quickly frowned when she saw Gabby behind me. "What's good?" She said as I sat down and Gabby sat on the couch next to me. "Well you know you're the person I trust and I've been thinking about some stuff and I'm going to get out of the game. So I'm putting you in charge. This is all you as of right now. If you need any help you got my number. You know all of my contacts so do what you will," I said and she nodded. "That's cool, so its permanent?" She asked and I nodded. "Alright well see you around then?" She came over to give me a hug and I pushed her off. "We not that cool," I said and she still kept trying to hug me. "Nigga I said get the fuck offa me," I said pushing her harder. She clutched her crotch and smirked, "Come take care of Papi baby." She came closer to me and honestly Gabby was so quiet I forgot she was in the room. Cammy came closer to where I was and I heard a gunshot go off and she dropped to the floor. I jumped and looked over and Gabby had gun pointed at Cammy. "Baby calm down it-" "Naw fuck that," she cut me off, "If I wasn't in here she probably would have tried to rape you. I outta take her life." "But she didn't so lets go," I said grabbing her hand and leading her out of the room.

     "Well how does it feel to be a regular citizen again?" Gabby asked and I chuckled. "What I'm serious. You're no longer a criminal. How does it feel?" She asked laughing and I shook my head. "Good I guess. It's going to take a while to get the police off my ass but it feels good," I said truthfully. "Speaking of, when are you going to do the same?" I ask. "I already did, but Ken, Quita, Shelly, and I all have a performance at this school do you want to go?" She asked me and I nodded. "Alright then. Oh I asked Kendi about that job and she said her receptionist is moving out of state in a couple weeks so if you want to take that job you can," she said and I got excited. "Tell her I said I'll take it. Thank you baby," I said leaning over kissing her lips when we came to a red light.

Kendi's POV

     "Baby," I whined walking into the bedroom. "Why are your whining you're a grown ass woman not a five year old," she said and I laid on top of her. "Cause I missed you," I said kissing her lips. She started to play in my hair. "Oh, baby I found an apprenticeship," she said and I was excited. "That's good. When do you start?" I ask and she shrugged her shoulders. "I think next week but I'm not sure," she said and I smiled. "Alright because on Friday I'm DJing this pep rally and Gabby, Quita, and Shelly are gonna be there. Did you want to go?" I asked her and she nodded. "Am I going to be the only on who's not preforming there?" She asked and I shook my head. "Gabby's girl is supposed to be there but I don't know," I said and she nodded. "Alright then looks like we'll all be there," she sighed and I looked up at her. "What's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head as to say nothing. "Lie a-mother fucking- gain. What's wrong?" I asked again and she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I'm nervous for this apprenticeship," she said and I looked up at her. "Baby you've got to believe in yourself or no one will. I've already told you that you're amazing and you should believe that yourself. I would never lie to you and you know that," I said and she shook her head. "It's not that I don't believe that I'm good. I've had enough of people tell me that I'm good to know that. I'm just nervous that he won't think that I'm good," she said and I tilted my head. "Yea Krimp. He's the person who I'm apprenticing under. A lot of people have said that he's really tough but anyone who can survive him, they're guaranteed to get hired almost anywhere," she said and I nodded. "It's ok baby. You're going to get through it and even if you don't there are other places to apprentice at," I said.

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