Dumb Hoe

430 16 2

Marquita's POV

     I already know what your question is. Yes, Kia and I are a couple. It's just a down low type of thing though. Because of her job she didn't want it to be a public thing. I like it though. It's nice to not have everybody and they dead cat in my business. I mean eventually I'm going to tell my friends but it's funny watching them assume. Currently we were just cuddling and watching T.V. I didn't realize it at first but Kia's hand was slowly creeping up my leg. I didn't notice until her hand was rubbing me from outside my boxers. I moaned lowly seeing a smirk slowly creep onto her lips. "Mmmm, don't start nothing you can't finish baby girl," I said and she slowly started to kiss me. She straddled my waist never breaking the kiss. I didn't have on a shirt but only a bra and she took it off and started sucking my nipple. One hand started playing with the other one and the other hand crept into my boxers. She slowly slid a finger in making me moan a little louder.  She slid down to my waist taking off my boxers before licking my clit. But you know, I don't kiss and tell plus her head game so good I don't need none of y'all bald headed bitches trying to take what's mine. We literally went at it until it got dark outside before I fell beside her snuggling her in my arms. I heard soft snores and smirked on the inside. I pulled that Chris Brown "fuck you back to sleep girl" type of shit. Then I started thinking about Kia on an entire new level. She was most definitely the perfect match for me. She could cook and was neat and clean. She was down to earth and chill but wouldn't let me walk over her. She keeps me in line and balanced. Before her I was a mess. Fucking different bitches every weekend, my house was a mess, I had no structure in my life. With her everything seems more put together and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I started to drift off into sleep.

     I woke up to her alarm going off and turned it off. She sat up and stretched before getting up and I pouted. She looked at me and frowned, "What's wrong baby?" "I don't want you to leave," I said and she chuckled. "Well I have to if I want to pay my bills," she said going into one my drawers and pulling out a t-shirt and some sweats. "Then you can live with me and then you won't have to pay any bills," I said and she shook her head. "Even if I did move in I wouldn't want to basically be living here for free," she said sitting on the bed. "It wouldn't matter because what's mine is yours and vice versa," I said and she still shook her head. "I would still feel like I would be taking advantage of you. We'll talk later, right now I need to go before I'm late. You driving me?" She asked and I nodded throwing on a t-shirt and some shorts. We drove to her house and I sat in the living room while she went to go shower. I watched T.V. until she came back downstairs. She had on a white button up with a black skirt and blazer. She had some folders in her hand and her hair was in a bun. "Ready to go?" I asked getting up and turning the T.V. off. She nodded her head and we proceeded to the car. On the way there we stopped at Starbucks and got breakfast. I pulled up in front of the school and she got out. There weren't many people out there because it was earlier. I watched her and made sure she got in the building before pulling off. I ended up at home and back in the bed going back to sleep.

     When I woke up it was around 12:00. I had a good three to four hours before I had to go pick up Kia. I looked at my phone and had a missed call as well as two texts from Kia. I looked at Kia's texts first.

Lil mama💋: I should be done by 3:15 today 😁😁

Lil mama💋: Scratch that 🙄 it's 4:15 imy 😔

Me: ok babe and imy too ❤️

I laughed at her text and looked to see who's call I missed. It was an unknown number so I called it back. It rang a couple times before someone finally picked up. "Hello?" I said when a female voice spoke. "Hey daddy. You haven't called me in a while and I missed you," she purred through the phone. "Yea there was a reason for that. I don't want to see you anymore," I said annoyed. It was one of my previous hoes but I deleted all of them out of my phone. "But you know no one can do it like I do it," she said and I rolled my eyes. "My point exactly. Everyone does it better than you. Anyways I'm in a relationship so what we had is over," I said hanging up the phone. I blocked the number and put my phone back on the charger. I got in the shower and when I got out there was someone banging on my door. I put my locks into a ponytail and put on a sports bra wrapping a towel around my waist. I went to the door and opened it to see the girl who called me in a black trench coat. I rolled my eyes and tried to close the door before she pushed it back open and walking in the house. "Man you gotta go. You can't be in here," I said as she slowly strutted towards me. Her heels clacking on the hardwood floors with each step. I was backing away until she got me up against the wall. She slowly started to take off her coat revealing that she was naked underneath. I can't even lie shawty was bad but she wasn't Kia bad. No one could match what Kia was on any day of any year. She grabbed my hand and trailed it from her breast to her pussy. She was really wet and I was debating on if I should give her what she wants or still kick her out. I was broken out of my thoughts when she started kissing my neck. It was my weak spot to and it felt so good. I started massaging her clit with my hand when she came back up to my ear. "She obviously not treating you right if you're giving into me so easily. I snapped out of my trance as she took my towel off. Before it fell I quickly grabbed it and pushed her off me. "Yo slow ass about to get me caught up. I said I didn't want to do this with you. Y'all hoes don't listen dawg. Get the fuck out," I screamed and she still stood there walking back towards me. She started rubbing my body, "But I missed you daddy can't you feel how much I did," she said and I look up at God praying that he would give me strength. I flipped us over and started choking her and slid her up the wall to where her feet weren't touching the ground.

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