Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

The next day not really much happened. My day consisted of accompanying Driver (my dog) on a field trip to the dog park and buying him a couple bags of food. I got home, played some video games, you know, all that interesting stuff guys do. Eventually Connor and I spend some one-on-one brother time and took each other head-to-head in a Call of Duty Battle.

The next day, though, is when the journey begins.

It started when I got a ring from Francis Lawrence, my director.

"Hello?" I said simply.

"Josh, do you mind flying down to the set today or tomorrow?"

"Why?" I said, nonchalantly shuffling through mail.

"It's about Jennifer. She got into an accident."

My heart halted in my chest, my hand almost dropping the phone.


"You need to come."

"O-okay," I said, my hands shaking.

"See you soon."

"Bye," I whispered.

I must have sat there for about an hour, just soaking in the fact that my best friend could die at any time. I'd never really felt pain before, this feeling in my body was all new and it was awful. The pain was overbearing. I didn't even have the strength to cry.

And that's when a realisation hit me. No pain would hurt this bad if Jennifer was nothing but a friend.

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