Chapter 14

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Two days after we get home, we are reunited with out best friends and family. Jen seems much more quiet since the accident happened and I can't figure out why. I know even if I asked her she wouldn't tell me. I sighed and played with my fingers.

My brother enters my room. "Hey, bro," he says walking over to me. "Everything work out okay?"

"Yeah. That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about. Thanks for everything. You could've chosen to believe Mum and Dad over me, but you didn't. You helped me. So thank you."

He smiles at me. "Parents are lame," he remarks. We both laugh and soon it becomes silent. "I bet you ten dollars I can beat you at a game of Call of Duty."

I laugh and shake my head. "No way! I may have not played it in a while, but I certainly know how to beat you."

"Nuh-uh! Never!"

"You're on."


Playing COD and having my brother beat me every time was definitely self-esteem damaging and I may have lost some man-points. But I gave him his stupid ten dollars and he left happily ever after.

Meanwhile, I still played it but in the middle of my game someone poked me, making me jump ten feet out of my chair, and I died.

"Aw, come on, Connor! I was about to wi-" I turn around to see Jennifer staring at me like I have three heads.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"Well you did. And you made me die. So apologise."

"Fine, Mr. Grumpy, I'm sorry!" She laughs, poking my cheek, and sitting next to me.

"So how are you feeling?"

"A bit sore but I'm fine," she replies.

"That's good."

In this moment, everything seems to stop. The intense music from my game, the sound of Connor singing something in the shower, the sound of the washer in the other room quickly twisting and turning.

Everything seems to stop. The world probably stopped turning. And that's when Jen is leaning into me. Why is she leaning in? She said she didn't like me like that...

But whatever, if it means her kissing me, then I'm all for it. The kiss is slow and meaningful. I guess to confess what we can't with our words. That we like eah other. That we love each other.

In the moment, nothing could feel greater than my best friend's lips on mine, basically telling me what's been far-too-long without being said.

I grin.

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