Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I feel my heart pounding and my hands shaking. My eyes stay closed, the only noises I can hear is the sound of the clicks from the keyboard Sid is typing on. I just want to know where Jen is, know if she's safe.

"Have you almost got it?" I ask Sid impatiently.

"No, hush, the more you bug you the longer it takes," he says.

I open my eyes. Sam is pacing around the room, his hands folded behind his back. I feel myself slowly slipping into insanity. If something bad has happened to her, like she's died or been hurt, I don't know what I'd do. I just got her back, I couldn't lose her. Not again.

I hear the clicking of the keyboard stop typing. "Done! Got it!" Sid calls. My heart jumps, and I shoot up out of my chair.

"Where is she?!" I demand.

"Apparently, she's in an abandoned building across the street."

"How soon can we get there?" Sam asks.

"About ten minutes, let's get a move on," Sid says, gathering his stuff in his backpack.

I feel a spark of hope ignite in me and I smile, clutching my hands in fists. I felt my body start to shake from adrenaline. Maybe I could find her, keep her safe, never let her go.

My feet don't stop following Sid and Sam all the way over. I keep bugging Sid about taking a vehicle but he refuses, saying it's wasting gas. How can you waste gas on the most important girl in the world?

Turns out Sid is highly against using gas for environment issues.

It's a good thing where we're going isn't far at all or else I might've lashed out on Sid.

The building is tall, big, worn down. The windows are hanging by a screw and the front porch sags down. There's something eerie about this place, and not just because of the painful reminder of Jen...

My heart stops at the thought. She's in there right now, with Matt and possibly Rhett and she's probably so scared. The scary thought makes me cringe.

Sid steps on the floorboard of the creepy porch, and the boards screech beneath our feet, threatening to break open and swallow us up.

I hold my breath, clutching my fists a bit tighter.

"Well, I've done my sh-share. I t-think I'm just gonna wait out here," Sid says, his voice shaking.

Nobody replies, but Sam opens the door and I find it weird that it is not locked. The first thing I see is darkness, and nothing else, but I start in there, and my heartbeat shakes as I hear a scream.

"Let me go!" It's her. It's Jen. I feel the tears rise in my eyes.

I open my mouth to scream her name, but Sam claps his hand over my mouth and shakes his head. I'm glad he's here or else I would've just made a big mistake.

I take another creeky step forward, but I feel my head blasted by a mass of pain, and I feel myself grunting and falling to the ground, and then I see little white dots float across my vision.


Well guys, was that long enough hahahah. I thought I'd update soon just because you all are so amaziiiiiiing

For those of you asking for a second book, I'm sorry, I probably will not continue this story, but I may write another story, and if you guys could stay with me and read it your support would be more than appreciated!!

Love you all and will update very soon x

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