Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I just want to thank you guys so much for all your kind comments and messages! It means so much that i have people i can go to and trust when im in bad situations like this. No, im not really the type to go round dating a bunch of guys. This lad has been in my life for three years now, started off as my best friend then we decided to date. And we just kind of had a big fight and everything went downhill. Im hoping we can work it out but there are so many other prettier, funnier, and better girls than me so Im kind of insecure right now. Just continue on with all your support its really helping me a lot. Couldn't ask for better friends and fans than you guys! Xxx


Author's POV

The cops bust through the door, holding their guns up and searching round the house for anything. But all was silent. Rhett had passed on, along with Matt who Sam beat up so hard there was no chance for him to make it.

As much as Sam wanted to do the same to his cousin, he couldn't bring himself to. He knew it wasn't right, but he wanted to so bad.

In the back of the room, Josh held Jen closely, squeezing her hand a bit too hard, Jen reminding him that they were safe now. The cops handcuffed the two, pulling them away as they screamed, Matt from pain and Sid from denial.

The pain was overbearing, taking over Josh's being as he felt himself slipping away again. The ambulance was quick and efficient getting Josh and Rhett on the stretchers. Rhett would be buried next to the love of his life, Maria, at Josh's request. Josh felt like he owed Rhett for bringing him to Jennifer. If it weren't for him, Jen could possibly be dead right now.

So Jen explained how Rhett told her about Maria, and how she'd saved herself by convincing him. Josh knew what it felt like to lose someone, and even though Rhett was dead, he knew it was the only way he could repay his debt due to Rhett.

Jen stayed by Josh's and Sam's stretchers the whole time, wishing it was her instead of them that could be in pain. She held Josh's cold hand tightly, praying for him to stay with her. Though she denied it, she needed him, and he needed her just as much. They were an inseparable pair that needed eachother to survive. As cheesy as it sounded it was one hundred percent truth.

That night, when Jen wasn't allowed to stay in the same hospital room as Josh, she had horrid nightmares. She woke up screaming and sweating, clutching onto her sheets for dear life. She longed for Josh's comfort, to just kiss him and be in his arms again. "Stupid rules," she muttered to herself. "To hell with them."

She slipped herself out of the bed and padded over to Josh's room that was next to hers. She opened it lightly, the door squeaking slightly. She tiptoed to his bed, climbing in and taking hold of his hand.

She smiled, content, and fell fast asleep again, falling into a dreamless sleep next to the one she loved.


The next morning when Josh awoke, he felt someone next to him. He shifted his head to look down and saw the familiar cropped blond hair. He smiled, stroking it lightly, making her eyes flutter opened.

"Josh?" she said softly.

"Did you have a nightmare last night?"

"Yeah," she said sadly. "But I was ok once I was with you."

Josh smiled, feeling the butterflies in his stomach--despite the tight cloth hugging around his torso. "Me too."

"Why did you come and save me?" She asked him.

"Because I love you."

The time, it was Jen's turn for butterflies to brush their wings against her stomach. "I love you, too."

And then, all they felt was pure happiness.



haha just kidding. I still have an epilogue.


I need another story idea for my next book! I want something you guys will actually read. Since I liked One Direction, I considered doing a 1D fic but I feel like none of you will read it.

So be honest, comment an idea below or somethin!

Love you all!

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