Chapter 15

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating, I've been on holiday. Happy Fourth of July to the Americans! Also, if you happen to be a directioner reading this story would it be too much to ask to read my friends' story? Their username is hiddencitizen. If you would, that would be much appreciated. It's really an amazing story!

Jennifer pulls back from me. "What the frick, Josh!" she shouts.

I back away, confused at her sudden reaction. "What? What happened?" I ask abruptly.

"Why would you kiss me back? I don't like you like that!" she yells. My heart stops beating in my chest for a moment and suddenly all I feel like doing is running away from her.

"You kissed me!" I retort, angry at her sudden mood swing.

"Yeah, but if you knew I didn't like you like that then why kiss me back!?!"

"You're blaming me for your own faults, Jen!" It all happened so fast, like a blur, like a dream. What is actually happening? We were just kissing, me feeling like I was dancing on a cloud, and now I feel like I'm under a rock, trying to get up but being effortlessly weighed down for something I can't help.

"You know, everything has changed since the accident and I don't like it! You've changed. Suddenly, I don't want to be your friend anymore." She slaps my cheek, hard, and stomps away, slamming the door behind her.

I take a moment to just sit there. What actually happened? Was that real? I sigh. Now I've lost the one thing in life I care about most.

I feel the tears rising to my eyes as my feet speed to my bed but I wipe them away before they can fall. I bury my face in my pillow, squeezing my eyes shut and repeating damaging sentences to myself in my head.

What's wrong with me? Why can't someone ever just like me back. Is there something the matter with me? I pull at my hair, trying to solve my answers.

I sigh, sit up, and check my phone to see if she may have left any apologies. None. Suddenly I become angry. Angry at her for not liking me back and denying it. Angry at her for blaming me for her faults. Angry at myself for being so shallow and dumb.

I slam my phone down. No. I'm not apologising to her no matter what. No matter how much she begs and pleads. It's her fault and I'm not saying sorry for it.

I laugh out loud to myself. I'm so selfish, I'm so ignorant. But I don't care. Because this time, it's Jennifer who's telling me she's wrong.

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