Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Two months pass by from me visiting Jen everyday and soon she is allowed to go back home. The doctors said she can't be on set, but she can go to her house and rest. It's times like these when I'm lucky to be living in the same state as her.

Since the kiss with Jennifer, nothing much has changed. We never mentioned it once after we did it and I guess we're still just friends. I've been wanting to say something about it but haven't had the chance. Okay, I've had a chance. I'm just nervous. I don't know why I get so anxious every time I'm near her.

I'm a famous actor, been on millions of interviews, live and prerecorded, and I've done millions of crazy stunts on set. And I can't ask my best friend/girlfriend/whatever-she-is about a simple action that has to do with something as simple a lips. Lips. Kissing.

It seems messed up if you ask me.


On the plane: this is how the seating goes:

Jen, me - aisle 1

Jena, Julianne - aisle 2

Liam, Sam - aisle 3

Francis, makeup artist - aisle 4

And the others stayed here. Why, you ask, is everybody going home if only Jen is supposed to? Well, there was a decision that we all just go home to see our families and take a break for a while. Plus, they couldn't tape anything without her. She's kinda the main character.

So Francis sent the cast and crew home. Sam was pretty excited to be seeing his wife again. I guess he really loves her. Jen mostly sleeps on the plane. She must be so tired. Even though she's been laying in a hospital for months she isn't connected to the cords that give her energy now.

Jen's head lays on my lap while I stroke her hair. I can't tell if she's sleeping or not but I don't want to move her even though my lap is numb. The waitress/flight attendant comes over and asks me for a drink.

"Um, I'll just have a water. And can I have another water and a blanket?" I ask her. She nods, smiling. She's very pretty but I can even begin to be attracted to her with Jen in my life.

The attendant grabs what I've asked and I toss the blanket over Jen's body so she stays warm. It's kinda freaking cold on this plane. I drink my water and look out the window. I have nothing to do. Liam and Sam are two seats behind me and Jena and Julianne are asleep. I sigh and close my eyes. Maybe I can get some sleep.

And that's when ...


I wake up to an idiot tickling my face with a feather.

"Jen, what the heck? Where'd you get that sleep killing machine?"

She laughs at me. "You're stupid."

I don't know what's come over me but a tingling sensation erupts in my stomach and all I feel like doing is kissing her. Just seeing her laugh and smile, her face, just her makes me fall in love all over again.

"Joshie, why so serious, babe?"

"Did you just call me babe?"

"Yeah, babe."

"At least it's not as bad as hun," I tell her.

"Wow, really?"

"Jen, I love you," I spit. Whoa. Where the frick did that come from? My eyes must've been as wide as saucers just like hers.

"You what?"

My mouth opens but nothing comes out. "I ... I, um."

Yeah, there's no dumb remark to cover up what just happened. "Josh, I can't do that. I can't love you back. Not when we could ruin what we have. I'm sorry."

The tears gather up in my eyes. "I didn't mean to say that.. I'm gonna sleep."

I turn away towards the window and secretly wipe the tear that just fell from my eye. I was so stupid, so dumb, so freaking ... just. I'm so angry with myself. I can't believe I said that.

I close my eyes so no more tears can come. But as soon as I close my eyes, I feel her hands on mine ad she laces her fingers with mine. My heart rate speeds up and a tiny smile appears on my face.

Her thumb strokes my hand. I think she knows what she said upset me so she's trying to calm me down when in reality, it's not calming, it's making me crazy, making my insides teem with life. I guess our friendship is okay, as long as I have her by my side.


Sorry, that was short but I didn't have a lot of time. Love you.

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