Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Dedicated to MrsStyles__ who needs to update her story right now! ;) x


Sitting there against the brick of the building, I finish off the tears, wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans, and stand up, my knees popping. My head is spinning with millions of thoughts. It's like a thousand page book and all the words are flying off the pages at once and shuffling around in my brain. It makes me dizzy. I stumble around but I don't fall. I just walk back into the hospital. When I enter her room, she trembles and whimpers from the images that flash in her unconscious brain. I wish desperately to wrap my arms around her and tell her that it's ok and I won't let anything happen to her but I can't.

If I did anything like that then Matt would kill me on the spot. Or at least I think. I sit down on her bed. I am afraid to wake her because she needs her sleep to recover but I hate seeing her like this. It kills me inside. I rub her arm softly, hoping it will calm her down. I can't help but lean down and place a small kiss on her forehead. I hope it registers in her unconsciousness somewhere telling her that I'm sorry and I love her.

But it's not good enough. I'm not good enough. I need to do something more. So I kiss her lips. Her eyes flutter open and I smile weakly but inside I'm freaking out. Why'd you do that, Josh? What about Matt? What if she doesn't like that you kissed her? Her eyes are bright and her smile is big, bigger than I've ever seen it since the accident. It makes my stomach flit with butterflies and I smile even wider. For a while, we stay like that. Just taking in each other's presences.

I laugh a little. "I'm sorry. I...don't know why I did that," I say, looking down at my lap and smiling still.

"It's ok. I liked it," she says.

I look at her in surprise. "You did?"

"Yeah," she replies.

I take my hand in hers, warming her ice cold one with mine. "Are you ok? I heard you having a bad dream."

"I'm fine now," she says almost inaudible.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm always here for you." I rub small circles on her hand, hoping it will calm her trembling.

"No." That's all she says for the rest of the time before the door shoots straight open abruptly.

I stand straight up, wiping my hands on my shirt to cover up my embarrassment. I turn around to look into the eyes of Matthew Daily and my heart beats faster. He smiles at me, and walks over to Jen, sits next to her, and kisses her lips where mine just were. My heart burns in jealousy. Jen's smile is bigger than hers was when I kissed her. I clench my jaw. Matt tells Jennifer a couple of stupid lovey-dovey remarks but I don't know what he says because I tune him out.

"Josh," Jennifer coos. My muscles relax and I look at her with soft and caring eyes. "Can Matt and I have some time?" I nod slightly, trying to hide the evidence of hurt in my eyes by smiling. What if Matt does something to her? What if he tries to rape or kill her? That's why I stand by the door, my ear pressed against the wood, straining to hear their conversation.

"Jennifer, I think there's something you should know," Matt says.

Oh boy.

"What is it?"

"If you want to be with me then you can't see Josh anymore. He's trying to do something with you, I know it. He's going to hurt you and I don't want that to happen."

I almost don't catch what Jen says over the angry pumping of my heart. "Why would he do that? He's my best friend."

"Jen, I'm just trying to protect you. Listen to me. You don't remember everything about him. That's why I was surprised when you were nice to him when you woke up."

"What do you mean?" she asks softly, her voice trembling.

"Jennifer, a day before the accident Josh tried to rape you. Then when you slapped him and ran away, you came to me crying. I went and talked to him but he wasn't in his house or anywhere. That's when you were driving to the set and..."

"And what?"

"Jen, he was the one who set the studio on fire."

That's when I run faster than a road runner down the halls and out of the door, slamming it behind me. The doctor comes out to see what's happened but I don't turn back. My feet keep slamming into the ground. I leave a trail of my tears that fall from my eyes behind me.

Sorry, this is rather short but it seemed like a good place to end. Comment, vote, and share this story pls! It would mean the world to me if I had active readers. x

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