Chapter 25

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"Rose! Rose! Rose! Rooooossseee." It was the fiftieth time that Cullen had tried talking to me. and sincerely it was starting to get on my nerves.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said turning my body towards him. Ever since Shawn left for tour the teacher decided to let Cullen sit in his seat so they didn't have to bring a new desk for this dumbass.

"Come on talk to me i'm bored." He said pulling my hair.

"Fuck off! I'm trying to take notes here." I said.

"Is there a problem in the middle?" The teacher asked pointing at me and Cullen.

"Yes is it possible for Cullen to switch seats to um I don't know? Another classroom?" I said.

"I'm sorry Rose but we won't be getting another desk until Shawn get's back, anyway." She ignores me and Cullen the rest of the hour and keeps teaching whatever the fuck she was teaching. 

During lunch I run to the roof hoping that Cullen won't see me. I sit down at one of the ledges and put my legs over so they're dangling. 

"Watch it!" A pair of arms grabs my waist and pulls me back. I fall with a grunt on top of the person. "Now what kind of thinking is that?" Cullen. . .

"What the fuck are you doing get of me!" I said. 

"Why were you there?!" He said obviously a little scared.

"Cuz' I was looking at the field." I said pointing to the foot ball field below me.

"Oh..... My bad." He added a smirk.

"The fuck did you t-" 'Here' by Alessia Cara plays, meaning... "Shawn!" I said answering.

"Hey baby how are you." His deep voice said through the other line.

"I'm good baby what about you?" I said, turning back to face the field, and sitting.

"Good now that were talking." I giggle. "By the way I get back next week." He said.

"Next week?" I guess he heard the disappointment in my voice. 

"Awe babe it's just one more week, shit it's less. About five days." I count the days in my head.

"That's on Monday... Your going to miss school." I said.

"I know but I was thinking if you would like to go down to Island Records and hear me record some music. I could teach you some stuff." I grinned.

"I would love that." The warning bell rung. "I got to go now Shawn I love you." I said.

"Bye baby girl love you." I hung up and turned around only to see Cullen.

"Why are you still here?" He looked at me for a second then started getting closer to me.

"Rose I don't know if your just this dumb? Stupid? Ignorant? Or I don't know what! But I hope you know I like you, and weather you like it or not, we are going to end up together." I shoved him away from me. 

"Don't fucking talk to me asshole." I stomped away and made it to sixth hour in time. 


"Rose i'm so sorry it won't happen again. Please don't ignore me like this! Rose." I turned around to face Cullen who had been following me to my house. 

Actually I didn't want him to know where I lived so I went to Shawn's house and I was currently standing in front of the door.

"Please Rose give me a chance." He said.

I groaned and opened the door. I had texted Aaliyah a few minutes before asking if she could unlock the door. I didn't tell her the details but I knew she was going to ask.

I locked the door, took off my shoes and put my jacked in the closet. 

"I'm home." I yelled through the house.

"Rose!" Aaliyah came running down the stairs.

"Hey." We hugged for a second.

"Hey whose that?" Another girl came down the stairs.

"Oh this is uh my friend..... Rose." She said.

"Hi." I gave her a slight smile. We all walked upstairs to her room.

"I'm Jess." She said introducing herself. I smiled at her again.

"Okay so why are you here?" Aaliyah said. "I mean you sent me like an urgent message?" 

"Right there's this guy who keeps following me around and he wants to get with me. But I've legit told him a million times that I have a boyfriend." I said laying down on her bed.

"What the hell? He should leave you the hell alone." She said a little mad.

"Yeah I know, I think he's still outside." She got up and looked out the window.

"Oh gosh so you gave him a fake address basically?"  Jess said.

"Yeah I don't want him stalking me." I said.

"Nice move but now he's going to show up one day with flowers and Shaa nevermind." I laugh. No one, I mean no one, knows that i'm dating Shawn.

"Anyway how old are you?" I asked Jess.

"I'm 12 like Aaliyah." She said blushing a bit.

"Ahh i'm 17." I said.

"So your in high school?" She asked.

"Yeah your a sixth grader i'm guessing?" She nodded.

"Do you know my brother? I just kind of figured since you go to high school." I shrugged.

"What's his name?" She blushed again.

"Um Cullen." My face dropped. It wasn't just the fact that Cullen was her sister, it was the fact that I had been talking shit about her brother this whole time.

"Oh yeah I know Cullen." I said between gritted teeth. I grabbed my bag and started heading downstairs. 

"Where are you going?" Aaliyah asked.

"Yeah Cullen's the guy that won't leave me alone." I whispered to her once downstairs. "Let's just hope he's not waiting for me outside." 

I swing the door open, with my house keys in hand, and run across the street. I make it with no annoying guys calling my name. 

I shut my house door and make my way upstairs. Finally I was home where no one would bother me. I lay on my bed almost asleep when a phone call interrupts me.

"Helglo?" I said a little grumpy.

"Well is that any way to greet your boyfriend?" The person on the other side said.


"Shawn!" I screamed through the phone.

"That's more like it." I laughed with him.

"How was today's show?" I asked.

"It was amazing, met the most great fans ever. Chicago was just..... Amazing in general. The Bean was awesome. And we went into the sears tower holy shit it was the best, but the lake is really dirty just saying," I laughed again.

"So your having fun while i'm over here taking notes after notes, and dodging every fucking guy." I sighed. "I miss you Shawn."

"Baby don't worry. I made a mistake when I said five days," My heart started pounding. "It's actually in three," I screamed again.

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes you little fucker." I said jumping on my bed.

"Haha i'll see you in a few days babe." He said.

"Wait are we still going to the studio?" I asked.

"Yeah still on for Monday." He said,

"Alright then babe..... Goodnight," I made a smooch sound. 

"Good night babe." He made one back then we hung up. 

God I miss that son of a goof ball.

Son of a sex god😂

Oh god what did i just call Manny???

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