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(This one is making me cry)

The smell of the ocean and palm trees hit my nose as soon as I stepped out of the air port. Nothing had ever felt as good as coming home. 

I ran to my dads car happy to get away from the past, and move on. It was my home town but I was glad to be back to where I belong. 


I entered my old school gaining attention from everyone. I hadn't announced my return on any social media, why should I? 

As I walked down to my old meeting spot with Lily I realize how big the crowd is. As I approach, the crowd get's smaller, and I eventually reach her table. 

"R- Rose?" She asks getting up and hugging me. 

"Hey." I say with a smile and hug her back. I would have thought that she would cry because she cries a lot, but no. "I'm back." I said. 

"I can see that." We hugged for a while longer before someone cleared their throat.

"Whose this?" A guy asked. 

"Oh you guys this is my best friend from Canada." Lily said.

"Mm girl I love your style." He said.

"This is Jake, he is gay." I smiled at him.

"Hi Jake." 

"So we meet again, attitude girl." Belle from last time I was here comes over to us. 

"Hey, do I know you?" I asked pretending not to remember.

"Uh yeah we meet during spring break, shit it's only been three months come on." She said. 

"Hmm..... Oh yeah! Your the one with the ego, I remember. Did you do something different to your hair?" I asked.

"Watch it." She growled at me. 

"Your the one in my way honey." I rolled my eyes and turned back to Lily. "So how are you?" I asked. 

"I'm great how have you been?" She said. 

"I've been... I've been better actually." I said. 

We talked for a while, then realized that we had pretty much no classes together. We had three but that wasn't enough.


Back home, I received a text. I looked down but it said unknown number. I shrugged and put my phone down, grabbing a yogurt from the fridge. 

Then I checked the message.

'I wanna love you with the lights on'

'please have mercy on me'

'I know I can treat you better'

'im in your room it's just us two'

'Don't be a fool oh and say that you love me'

'I got you a rose....'


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