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minah dragged her suitcases into the tall building, letting out huge puffs. she tapped her heels in agitation as the elevator came down from the 11th floor. quickly grabbing hold of the handles, she moved towards the front of the elevator door but a person hurried out from the other side, running into minah. her head collided with the person's chest before she landed on her butt, a moist food roll landing on her head. minah held in the rage that was eager to come out and kept her head down. she opened her mouth before the person could speak, "i'm fine. can you just... go." minah seethed, waiting for the fading footsteps. but before she could get up, the person bent down and grabbed the roll off her head,

"i'm really sorry about that, i'll make it up to you," the person yelled out as his footsteps faded into the distance. minah took a deep breath. make it up to you yeah right. she was already having a bad day, having to drive all the way from her old hometown and carry all her luggage on her own. despite that, minah slowly stood up, pulling her suitcases upright and pulling them into the elevator. she arrived soon on the 8th floor, the elevator widening to expose a short corridor. two doors were attached to either side of the walls, opposite each other. minah took cautious steps towards the doors, taking out a piece of paper from her bag.

floor 8, apartment 214

she scratched her head for two seconds before looking up at the doors. her eyes landed on 215 so she turned the other way and took her key out. once minah was inside her apartment, she left her baggage by the front door and explored her new home.

everything was set perfectly, wide space, multiple couches, 50" tv screen attached to the wall and a wide window exposing seoul's beauty. minah sucked in a breath before grabbing her bags and walking into her bedroom. her eyes widened in amazement and she immediately threw herself on the medium sized bed. "what did i do to deserve this," she smiled widely before the smile was washed off her face. "right, my dad's a coffee store chain owner, that's what." sighing lightly, minah pulled herself off the bed and went into the living room. her eyes scanned the small section of the area that would be labelled as the kitchen then thought about her neighbour.

"i could start making friends, why not?"

minah took out a pack of sticky notes from her bag and a pen. she thought for a minute before writing down a small message, cautiously stepping out of the apartment and sticking it on her neighbour's wall.

as soon as minah stepped back into her apartment, a young man appeared in the hallway, leaving the elevator. he rummaged through his pockets before pulling out his key and just as he was about to open his apartment door, his eyes fell on the sticky note.

hello neighbour! i'm park minah or just minah to you (:

don't be afraid to ring my doorbell some time, i'd love to get to know you! xx

scratching the nape of his neck, seokjin read through the note once more before looking back at apartment 214 in slight confusion. someone new moved in already? after a few seconds, his brows raised, the lady i bumped into outside the elevator a while ago. shaking his head, he unlocked his own door and stepped in, going straight to his kitchen cabinet.

"cha, what to make," seokjin mumbled to himself, grabbing a handful of ingredients.

an hour later, he was stood by minah's door, a dish tray in hand. debating whether or not he was making the right decision, seokjin stood frozen in thought. after considering the worst that could happen - minah trying to kick his door down, the food unappealing to her taste buds - he took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

minah jerked her head towards the unfamiliar sound. she put her popcorn bowl aside before slowly taking steps towards the door. no one besides my family know i'm staying here though, she thought, taking hold of the door handle. minah put her head against the eye-hole but saw no one. is someone messing with me right now? she let out a low groan before pulling the door open. a sudden scent hit minah's nose, making her look down instantly at the dish tray placed on her mat by seokjin. her eyes searched every inch of the hallway before she simply picked up the tray and went back inside her apartment, kicking the door close.

taste buds | kim seokjin [bts] a.uWhere stories live. Discover now