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minah slipped the folders into her cabinet and then grabbed her bag, ready to leave the office. once she made her way out towards her employee's work room, her eyes widened in confusion. the whole place was empty. "did everyone already get off work?" shaking her head, minah left the building and headed home, wanting to see seokjin.

"wau, why is there such a nice smell lingering in the hallway?" minah questioned, inhaling the combination of many dishes. she sniffed near seokjin's door, the scent becoming stronger. taking out her keys, minah rubbed her hands together in excitement.

"jin, i'm ho–"

"yah, director park is here!"

"oh, hello, director-nim."

"we didn't think you'd make it."

"aish, she lives right opposite him, shut up."

minah's brows furrowed at the sight in front of her. all her employees were scattered across seokjin's living room, munching on food. "minah," seokjin popped out of the kitchen, sending her an awkward wave.

minah bit her lip and cleared her throat before carelessly strolling to the dinner table. her eyes raked over all the dishes, one by one, and then it dawned on her; the first 20 dishes that seokjin had presented to minah at the start of their relationship, they were all placed neatly on the dinner table, in order. minah took a deep breath, surprised that seokjin had still remembered. suppressing a giggle, she looked up at the man himself and after a few seconds, made her way towards him.

"you worked hard," minah mumbled, sliding her arms around seokjin's waist who let out a chuckle. feeling his chest vibrate softly in joy, minah rested her chin against his chest and looked up at him with affection. "i love you."

"yah, you can't do this here," seokjin groaned, pointing at the employees in the living room. heads were turned and some members were giggling quietly. seokjin's face flushed so he simply took hold of minah's hand and shrugged everyone off, leading her to his bedroom.

"how did you make all those dishes anyway? there's so much food, even i can't eat all of that!" minah jumped down on seokjin's bed, making herself comfortable.

he joined her side, leaning back against the headboard and opened his arms, waiting for minah's warmth. "i worked so hard that my whole body is aching, you have to take care of me now," seokjin whined, emphasising on his open arms again. minah teased him for a few seconds longer before crawling over to close the space between them. "just kidding, i ordered half of those dishes from my restaurant–ow, yah!" minah snickered, pinching seokjin again playfully.

"기분이 좋다, (this feels good)" seokjin murmured, drawing small circles on her arm.

"나도, (me too)" minah sighed contentedly.

after a comfortable silence, seokjin's lips curved up into a radiant smile. "i already see our children standing in kim-chi's elegant kitchen with the big hats on," he chuckled at his own thoughts but minah raised a brow.

"it's only been a year since we started dating and you already want children?"

"first a daughter, then a son. i really want our son to have an older sister, since i never had one," seokjin continued, ignoring minah's question. "oh and our son's name should have the common family syllable, i was really upset when i found out my name doesn't have the syllable."


"hmm, how about yoosun? for our little boy?"

"kim seokjin," minah repeated his full name, gaining his attention right away.

"yes, my love?"

"wanna get married?" minah squeezed her cheeks, poking at her dimple to attempt to win seokjin's heart.

he gasped, "what, today? right here? right now?"

"yes today, right here right now," minah smirked, yanking seokjin's collar down so that their faces could be at the same level, but he slipped out of her reach, retreating to a corner.

"yah, stay back!" seokjin threatened, trying to control his laughter. minah bit her lip seductively, twirling a strand of her hair in her hand.

"seokj–ah i think i'm interrupting something, sorry," jaehwan briskly closed the bedroom door again, letting out an embarrassed breath.

both minah and seokjin shared looks and then burst into a fit of giggles.


heyhey, thank you guys for all the support with this book, even a little means a lot! ill be starting a jungkook ff soon so if anyone's interested, you'll find it on my profile within the next few weeks :)

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