dish 19 ;; jjamppong

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message from: jinjin

what would you like for dinner today, my lady?

minah hid her smile as she quickly sent a response before looking back up at her staff. "that's all for today," she nodded her head respectfully and then got up to leave.

"d-director park?" jaehwan's voice made minah stop just outside of her office. he gulped as she turned to face him, planning in his head what he was going to say next. "is it p-possible for me to get the next few days off, you see–"



"sure, it's fine with me." minah repeated, and then walked into her office, leaving jaehwan in a confused daze.

"yah, what have you done to our director?" jaehwan questioned, rubbing his forehead.

"what do you mean?" seokjin chuckled at the other end of the phone. "did she scold you again?"

"it would've been easier for me if she scolded me. i asked for a few days off because yoojung is coming over for a while, and director park said yes."

"shouldn't you be overflowing with joy right now, jaehwan-ah? you get to spend more time with your girlfriend." seokjin raised a brow at his friend's absurdity.

"wau, jin, she has you wrapped around her fingers, doesn't she?"

"yeah yeah, whatever you want to think," seokjin teased. he heard his front door open and quickly cut jaehwan off halfway, ending the call to welcome his muse.

minah entered the kitchen with a bright smile on her face. "you okay?" she flashed her teeth at seokjin before wrapping her arms around his waist with a deep sigh.

"i could really get used to this," seokjin chuckled warmly, burying his face in her hair.

minah inhaled his comforting scent once more before a different smell whisked its way to her nose. "what's this spicy smell?" she scrunched her nose, pulling away from seokjin who simply held up her bowl of spicy seafood noodle soup.

a few minutes later and the two were sat across seokjin's couch, ready to dig into the colourful mess. minah licked her lips and then slurped up some noodles, her palate instantly catching on fire. "wau," she breathed out. "my mouth is burning!" minah hurriedly gulped down some water, her face beginning to turn a bright pink.

seokjin watched her little struggle with his noodles before he pulled minah towards him and pressed his lips against hers. almost dropping the bowl, minah let her brain comprehend what was going on and then kissed seokjin back, allowing him to place both their bowls on the coffee table. his hands slipped into hers as he pushed her back against the couch gently and deepened the kiss. minah's stomach was in a twist and seokjin's heart wouldn't stop hammering against his chest - every single emotion was poured into this kiss, it was their first after all.

seokjin pulled away slowly, their faces still only millimetres apart and he stared down at minah's plump, red lips as she breathed heavily. minah's eyes still closed, seokjin took this chance to place his lips on hers again and she didn't hesitate to kiss back. his hands fell down across minah's hips so he slowly inched them up under her shirt and brushed his hot fingertips against her cool skin. minah's breath got caught in her throat but she smiled against his lips faintly, using the collar of seokjin's shirt to pull him closer to her body. seokjin let out an involuntary moan as minah's hand tugged on his dark locks and he could feel his face heat up quickly.

a few minutes later, the couple were sat close to each other, lettingout hefty breaths. seokjin licked his lips before cocking his head to the sideto get a good look at minah's red face. "that sure was spicy," he laughed, earning a smallgroan from minah as she hid her face in her hands due to the cheesy food pun.

  (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  

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