dish 4 ;; bossam

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seokjin walked across the hallway, everyone's eyes on the man. "is he the new model?" he heard a few ladies whisper to each other as they swooned over his visuals. a small smile made its way on seokjin's face as he ran a hand through his hair and reached the director's office. he knocked twice, "may i come in?"

"yes, come in," minah spoke absentmindedly, taking the contract papers out of her drawer. she looked up as soon as seokjin walked in and her mouth fell open. "you're the new model, right?" she questioned, mesmerised by his visuals.

seokjin helped himself to a seat and nodded, sending minah a bright smile. "this is actually my first time taking on a company after a long break," he explained.

"how long was your break?" minah asked and seokjin held up two fingers. "two weeks?"

"no, two months."

nodding in understanding, minah slid the contract over to his side, handing the man a card with the emails of the people in charge. "everything's been noted in here, so you can read over it and just contact assistant manager lee if there's anything that needs changing."

seokjin rolled the papers and got up from his seat, ready to walk out, "같이 일하게 될 날을 기대하고 있겠습니다 (i look forward to working with you)," he bowed slightly.

"예 좋은 하루 되세요 (yes, have a nice day)," minah answered, looking back down at her paperwork as seokjin left her office.

he turned the corner into the reception and asked the lady for jaehwan. "ah, i just saw assistant manager lee go up towards the terrace," she responded, so seokjin thanked her and took the elevator up.

"yah!" seokjin called out as soon as his eyes met his friend's head. "you didn't tell me your director is so damn cold and scary." he shuddered at the memory of their meeting and jaehwan just let out a loud chuckle.

"once you get to know our director, she's actually really soft and just hardworking," he whispered, slapping seokjin on the back lightly.

they both made their way down together from the terrace, and jaehwan asked seokjin something he had been wanting to know for a while. "how's your new neighbour? is she pretty? is she younger than you? have you spoken to her ye–" seokjin grabbed his friend's hand and placed it over his mouth, letting out a short sigh.

"i don't even know what she looks like, yet." he frowned. "well, except seeing her back yesterday."

"what?" jaehwan screeched, raising a brow at seokjin as if he were crazy. "so you've been giving her homemade meals for the past 4 days but you don't even know what she looks like? 미친 넌 미쳤어(you've gone mad)." jaehwan scratched the nape of his neck, trying to figure out how seokjin had managed such an absurd situation.

"we've just never had a chance to meet, i mean the poor girl thinks im a woman," letting out a laugh, seokjin left the elevator at the ground floor but all jaehwan could do was stare at his friend in utter confusion. "speaking of," seokjin shouted back, "i have to go make her another meal. see you from tomorrow jaehwan-ah!"

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