dish 16 ;; galbi-jjim

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"congratulations, director park."

minah held in a smile as she bowed in appreciation to the manager of her sponsoring company.

"your sales are rising and we're making excellent profit," he continued. "is it possible to meet the model, kim seokjin?"

"of course," minah answered proudly, "i'll sort a meeting out between the two of you within the next few days."

as her meeting ended, minah let out a huge sigh of relief. she had never expected her first male fashion to be such a success. a load of shirts and pants had already been sold out at most stores and people were beginning to take to social media to show their excitement.

minah thought it would be best to let her father know of her accomplishment and so she decided to text him quickly,

message to: chairman park

the meeting ended well, we've planned to expand the line to a few more stores since the sales are rocketing.

she took a sip of water, tapping send and then strolled out of the conference room to her office. her employees bowed respectfully and with passion as she walked past, the atmosphere in the office suddenly becoming very peaceful and cheery.

message from: chairman park

well done, minah.

also, about seokjin... it's still not too late.

but you know better than i do, minah, i'll trust you on whatever decision you make.

minah read over the messages again and again, "did the ramen from the other day change his mind on jin?" she chuckled, rubbing her forehead in astonishment.

just like every other day, minah journeyed home to find seokjin preparing her dinner, but this time, she couldn't stop thinking about her father's words. you know better than i do. did she really know more about seokjin than what met the eye?

"how was your day, park minah?" seokjin questioned curiously, setting their plates at the dining table. "you had a meeting with your sponsors, right?"

"it was great, you were great," minah laughed cheekily. "everyone has fallen in love with the man pictured holding the authentic korean dishes."

they both shared affectionate looks before bursting out into laughter.

"what can i say?" seokjin huffed playfully. "good looks are a talent you just have to be born with."

minah scoffed, biting on a succulent piece of short ribs. she licked her lips, scrunching her nose in delight and seokjin watched her fondly, every reaction causing his stomach to churn.

"so what are your plans now?" minah asked, looking away from her plate and at seokjin. there was a short silence, followed by a smack of the lips. "as in, don't you want to look for more modelling offers or... do something else?"

"i've never really thought about anything more, to be honest," seokjin stated, waiting for a form of disappointment in minah's eyes, but she just nodded. propping her elbow on the table, she rested her chin on the palm of her hand and smiled genuinely at the man before her.

"it's obvious, but you're a wonderful cook," minah giggled, "why don't you take up a job as a chef or in a restaurant?"

"actually..." seokjin started, shuffling in his seat nervously. he brushed a hand through his messy hair before picking up his phone and scrolling through his photos. after a few minutes, seokjin handed his phone over to minah and scratched the nape of his neck.

"kim-chi?" she raised a brow. "this is the really famous restaurant, kim-chi, isn't it?"


"did you used to work their before?" she examined the picture of seokjin in a full kitchen uniform, the prime chef's hat on his head. her eyes widened slowly in realisation. "no way..."

"i own the restaurant," seokjin confirmed in a low voice. he pressed his lips into a thin line as he hid the smile that was forming on his lips at minah's reaction.

"this isn't a joke right? y-you own kim-chi?"

seokjin nodded and that's when minah's elbow slipped off the table in bewilderment.

"i stopped working there personally a while ago, because the restaurant was doing just fine without my presence. but of course, i visit sometimes to check up on things and settle the bills." seokjin casually picked up his short rib, licking his fingers, but all minah could do was stare at her plate in a daze.

she gave herself time to comprehend all the information that had just been shared with her, and then, minah raised her head and let her eyes linger on seokjin before opening her mouth,

"you really are a wonder, kim seokjin."    

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