dish 11 ;; samgyeopsal

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"let's go out for dinner after work today," seokjin popped up at the elevator, taking the space next to minah as she sent him a bright smile and nod. "what time do you finish?"

minah thought for a moment before holding up her phone. "i'll text you the time."

the two headed for their cars and left in separate ways, minah, to her company and seokjin, to the shopping mall.

seokjin wanted to buy minah a small gift, with no other intention besides to thank her for all the support and kind preparations. opting on a bracelet, seokjin surfed the shopping mall, his eyes landing on a silver drops bracelet. "graceful and stylish," he whispered, pointing his finger at the jewellery in certainty.

"is it for a friend?" the cashier questioned, to which seokjin nodded shyly. "she's a lucky girl."

satisfied with his gift, seokjin soon left the store and decided to buy some new clothes. minah, on the other hand, was looking through the shots from the shoot. she couldn't help but smile every time seokjin's face came into view. he seemed so focused, his expressions nothing short of making a person sigh. "so beautiful," minah mumbled, staring at his face dreamily.

"min–" haeyoung stopped when she saw her friend's lovestruck face. "who are you staring at so lovingly?" before minah could react, haeyoung jumped in front of the computer and her mouth dropped open. "i knew it," haeyoung whispered, a small smile on her face.

"wait-what," minah quickly switched tabs and turned to face haeyoung who just shook her head playfully.

"you are so in love with him."


"you like him, don't you?" haeyoung questioned, nudging her friend. minah's cheeks heated up at the question as she thought about what her feelings towards seokjin meant. "you don't even have to answer that, i can see it on your face," haeyoung beamed, before clearing her throat.

"did you need anything?" minah asked and gestured for haeyoung to take a seat but she just placed a few papers down on minah's desk and then left the office after some small talk.

a few hours later and minah was still stuck at the office. her company was already making the headlines due to hiring seokjin for their first male fashion lane. minah had succeeded greatly with her first few lines for women and now that she was trying something new, the media were nosier than ever.

"yes, that'll be all," minah bid goodbye to the reporter and then placed the phone down, leaning back against her chair with a sigh. just as she was about to get back into reading the newest report, a knock on the door made her stop. "come in."

"hi," seokjin grinned, poking his head through the door. minah automatically let out a little laugh as he walked inside and helped himself to a seat. "i thought you'd still be working, so i came here to get you myself."

minah almost raised her shoulders in question but then she remembered. "oh, dinner..."

"yes, and it's about time we leave, otherwise the place will close for the night," seokjin stood up, raising a hand for minah to take hold of. she watched him for a few seconds and then hesitantly placed her hand into his. seokjin's fingers closed in around her own and he smiled to himself.

most employees had left work early so there was never a moment where minah felt conscious of their entwined hands as seokjin led the way out and into the parking lot, to his car. he opened the door for her like a gentleman before taking the driver's seat.

"you look nice today." minah's voice came out quiet as she quickly scanned the effort seokjin had made with his shirt and pants.

"thank you," seokjin responded, biting his lip. keeping his eyes on the road, seokjin thought about the bracelet he had bought and whether minah would like it. once the car stopped at the traffic light, he took a quick glance at her wrists to see if she was wearing anything. minah had one bracelet on her left arm and that was it. she wears bracelets, that's great.

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