dish 6 ;; tteokbeokki

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minah looked up from the paperwork, her attention moving towards the knock on her office door. "come in," she called.

manager kwon stepped inside carefully, sending minah a small wave. "are you working late tonight?"

minah rubbed her temple tiredly and nodded. "i just need to finish off some paperwork for our next few shoots and then i'll be off."

"don't stay too late minah-ya, everything's working out just fine," manager kwon sent her a thumbs up then opened the door to leave.

letting out a short sigh, minah smiled, "thank you haeyoung-ah, drive safely!"

signing the last document, minah stretched her arms wide, letting a yawn slip. "let's go," she mumbled to herself, grabbing her bag and leaving her office.

"you want to meet where?" jaehwan yelled into his phone, unaware of the fact that minah was walking through the parking lot to her car. "let me get home and change first, it won't be long," he said, unlocking his car and quickly getting in. when his eyes caught minah, he sent her a respectful nod, driving off in a hurry. minah rolled her eyes before slipping into the driver's seat of her car. 

once she reached her apartment parking lot, minah hummed a song quietly, getting out of the car. she thought about taking a warm bubble bath once she got home and then finish working on the concepts that she had thought of. she tapped her heel against the floor, waiting patiently for the elevator to come down, and when it did, minah's eyes were left wide open.

"ass–assistant manager lee?" she questioned the man who had left the elevator and stopped right in front of her. both jaehwan and minah stared at each other out of pure shock until minah broke the silence again. "you live here?"

jaehwan nodded sheepishly then cleared his throat. "floor 11... how about you? did you move to this building?"

"do you really think i'm going to tell you what floor i live on," minah tutted, the mention of floor 11 bringing back a painful memory of her first experience in the building. so you're the kimbap guy i ran into on my first day here huh, she thought, raising a sly brow at the man standing in front of her with an oversized sweatshirt and joggers on.

"aah," jaehwan brought her attention back to him, "sorry. i'm in a bit of a hurry, so if you don't mind..." minah granted him permission to leave with a slight nod of her head and then entered the elevator, making her way home.

two hours later and minah was lying across her bed, running through her presentation one last time before saving it and pushing her laptop lid down. letting out a yawn, she slipped off of her bed and trudged into the kitchen to pour herself some water. as minah held the glass against her lips, the doorbell rang, startling her sleepy figure. she put the glass down and made her way towards the door. "it's almost 1am, this better not be a jok–" placed near minah's door was a white plastic bag with two plastic containers filled with spicy rice cakes and fish cakes, and a sticky note.

"i hope i'm not disturbing you from your sleep, but i was out for beer with a friend and thought of you~~ 

enjoy the rice cakes! 

your neighbour," minah read out, closing the door. she placed the bag on the kitchen counter, her eyes raking over the note twice, three times, until a smile formed on her lips.

"how grateful am i for you, my lovely neighbour."

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