dish 5 ;; mandu

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"now that we've got the contract signed with the model, we need to think of our concept," minah pointed at the word that was printed in big bold letters on their presentation, earning a few coughs from her staff. she looked up at them in question.

"we sent you separate emails for the concepts that we thought of..." someone lingered out, but minah rolled her head back in fatigue.

"we need something different," she said, after a few seconds, receiving questioning looks from everyone in the room. "it's not going to work, the concepts you sent me. we need something new, something fresh."

"director park," jaehwan suddenly lifted his hand, his teeth clenching together in worry, "we don't have that much time to think of a new concept... your father– i mean chairman park–"

"i will get an extension for the shooting date myself, you guys just need to focus on creating the concept. okay?" minah stood up, slamming her folders lightly in frustration before picking them up with one hand and leaving the conference room.

"hell–" seokjin was stood outside the room, two bags in his hands but minah lightly nodded her head, ignoring his presence. "minah-sshi?" he called out, only to have the woman pause and turn her head in confusion.

"i mean, director park," seokjin corrected himself, sending minah a warm smile but she let out a sigh, waiting for him to finish what he was trying to say. "i made some dumplings at home so i brought them for the staff and for you as a thank you, if you haven't eaten lunch already..."

dumplings don't sound like a bad idea right now... "i have plans for lunch, but enjoy anyway," minah answered curtly, thinking about what dish her neighbour may have sent at her doorstep.

"맛있게하세요 (enjoy your meal!)" seokjin hollered out, watching minah's back disappear into the elevator.

"seokjin-ah," a distressed jaehwan called out from behind the door, before pushing it open and pulling his friend into a hug. "this stress is going to kill me one day. maybe i should just quit," he pondered, rubbing his forehead, but seokjin slapped him on the back of the head lightly.

"why would you quit such a good job," seokjin protested. "ah, i made dumplings so i brought some for everyone," he handed the bags to jaehwan and took off towards the elevator.

"yah, where are you off to?"

"my neighbour usually comes home for lunch around this time, and freshly made dumplings are the best you know."

jaehwan made a face, "you and that neighbour of yours," he muttered, before walking back into the conference room and yelling about the delicious lunch they had been gifted.

minah quickly collected the clothe samples and made her way to her apartment. stepping inside, she thought about waiting by the door until her neighbour came out to place the dish tray so that she could greet her in person. "aish, nah," minah shivered at the disturbing thought. "she might think i'm a weird stalker or something." she left her belongings on her couch before going to her room to freshen up.

once the doorbell rang, minah made a leap of faith from her couch to the door, only to be met by the same dish tray, but with different contents. "dumplings?" minah's eyes grew wide with excitement. "what a coincidence," she whispered, grabbing hold of the tray and slowly taking it inside her apartment with gentle care.

a while after having eaten the warm meal, minah prepared to go back to work. she slipped her shoes on and at the same time, heard her neighbour's door close. she grabbed her bag and hurriedly left the apartment, but the elevator door slid shut, giving minah zero chance of seeing her mysterious neighbour.

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