dish 20 ;; samgye-tang

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a loud knock on the door startled minah from her slumber. sitting up on the floor, minah scratched the back of her head, her eyes squinting because of the sunlight shining through the curtains. another knock sounded so minah quickly grabbed onto the side of her bed, pulling her limp body up.

"누구 시죠? (who is it?)" her voice was barely audible as she stumbled towards the door. with a heavy sigh, minah swung the door open to reveal seokjin staring at her with an embarrassed smile.

"i left the keys to your apartment inside," he let out a nervous chuckle but once his eyes met minah's droopy ones, seokjin immediately grabbed her shoulders. "are you feeling okay?" he raised a hand to her forehead to check her temperature and guided minah back inside, helping her take a seat on her bed.

"you shouldn't have eaten the spicy broth yesterday," seokjin scolded, walking off into the kitchen to grab some fever essentials. he placed a wet towel on minah's forehead and sat close to her, listening to her soft breathing.

minah's eyes fluttered open and caught seokjin looking at her but he didn't look away and only scooted closer. "the jjamppong was tasty, i couldn't not eat it," minah answered with a whisper. seokjin peered at the woman lying before him and then let out a sigh.

"next time if you can't handle a food, don't force your body, okay?"

minah responded with a weak nod, closing her eyes again. "thanks, jin..."

"i'll be in the kitchen if you need me, alright. just rest here." seokjin spoke after a few minutes, leaving minah to the comfort of her bed. he searched the cupboards and fridge for ingredients that would help him make ginseng chicken soup. barely finding much, seokjin mentally scolded his girlfriend for not taking care of her diet and then rushed to his place to pick up the remaining ingredients.

"j-jin?" minah held onto the wall as her eyes scanned the living room and kitchen before they landed on seokjin who was chopping scallions.

he looked up once he heard minah cough painfully and raced to her side. "yah, why are you out of bed, i told you to rest." minah ignored seokjin's comment and slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest.

seokjin rubbed her back gently, "많이 아파? (does it hurt a lot?)" minah pressed her forehead against his shoulder and nodded. "let's get you back in bed."

seokjin picked up his dish tray and followed minah into her room, placing the tray on his lap as he took a seat. "i made you some samgye-tang, it should help with the fever." carefully scooping the rice on a spoon, seokjin brought it up towards minah's mouth, waiting for her to open. "what?"

minah admired seokjin's concern-filled features and then shook her head. "nothing... it's just," she started, her eyes moving down to the spoon. "i just feel really grateful that you're here beside me."

"ahh, my heart," seokjin placed his hand flat against his chest, smiling brightly at her.

once he had finished feeding her, minah took hold of seokjin's hand and silently pleaded for him to join her in bed. she didn't want to let him go and just cuddle for the next few hours, or days... "i'll only accept this kind of abuse because you're sick," seokjin grinned, poking the tip of minah's nose playfully. he pulled her covers and slipped inside to hold her waist.

"i feel better already," minah giggled as seokjin pressed his body against hers, their legs in a tangle.

"good, you need to get better quickly, so i can take you to my restaurant."

"what?" minah pulled away to look at seokjin's face, who was serious. "let's go now!" she kicked the covers off and almost fell off the bed but seokjin pulled her back, wrapping his arms around her back.

"not so fast, park minah."

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