dish 10 ;; chimaek

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it was the last shoot today for the fashion line and although everybody in the company was buzzing about being able to take a break, seokjin and minah felt none of the growing joy.

"it's my last day at the company today," seokjin repeated, as a matter of factly, to minah who was just looking down at the sample shots. she bit her lip, trying to hide any emotion and just nodded. "you don't have to pretend not to care." minah straightened up at his comment and sent the man a soft glare.

"we're neighbours, don't forget."

"oh, how could I forget such a sweet fate?" seokjin grinned. he looked down at his watch before slipping off the chair and heading out of minah's office. "it's almost time," he called, holding the door open for minah to pass through, and she did, nodding a thank you.

when it was time for the last batch of smart clothing to be photographed, a stylist came out the dressing room and headed towards minah. "um, director-nim? seokjin-sshi asked for you in the dressing room." and with that, she left minah on her own to go and investigate.

minah knocked twice, hearing a "come in" from the man himself. when she opened the door and walked in, seokjin was stood in the middle of the room, alone. his shirt was half undone and he was just staring at the tie in his hand. minah swallowed hard at the sight of some of his chest. he seems ripped. shaking her unholy thoughts off, minah walked over to seokjin. "why did you call for me?" seokjin just held the tie up in front of her face with a sly smile.

"I needed help with this." he handed the tie to minah and took a few steps towards her. there was just space for a hand to go between them and minah could feel heat rising to her cheeks. "what are you waiting for, put it on for me then."

she didn't dare to look up at seokjin as she stood on her tiptoes to pull the tie around his neck. buttoning up the top of his shirt was the worst part and minah knew she had messed up when her fingers brushed up against his bare skin. shit. shivers ran through her hand and up her arm. I pray he didn't notice that. but he did, and seokjin was dying to let out a teasing laugh. when she was done, seokjin bent down a little so that he could whisper a thank you in her ear and then walked off, leaving minah alone in the dressing room.

"wait," she said, after a moment. "why did I do that for him in the first place?" facepalming mentally, minah cursed at seokjin in her head. he did that by purpose and im going to get him back for it.


"okay guys," minah clapped to get everyone's attention. "it's a wrap up!"

relieved sighs left her employees' mouths as manager kwon walked in, slapping minah on the back softly. "you did great, minah," she winked. then she turned to face everyone, "chimaek is on me! let's all meet outside the building in 20 minutes!"

"haeyoung-ah," minah called out to her just before she left. "take my card, I don't want you using your salary to feed everyone." but manager kwon shook her head.

"and I don't want to rip my best friend off," she laughed before heading out of the set area. haeyoung bumped into seokjin on the way out so she offered for him to join them for some chimaek.

"i'll be heading home now, but thank you," seokjin bowed respectfully, having other plans in mind. he caught minah standing by the set lights, looking down at her phone so he rushed into the dressing room to change and then walked towards her, taking a deep breath.

"park minah," he chirped, successfully earning a flustered "what?" from the woman. "we're no longer working together, besides the day I come in to see the shots, so I can use your name comfortably right?" a part of minah wanted to say no. the working barrier between the two had now vanished, and it scared minah. she was afraid of feeling for seokjin more than she could afford to.

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