dish 18 ;; ssam

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"what? he's the legal owner of kim-chi?" chairman park repeated, his eyes wide in shock. minah only chuckled in answer. a little bubble of pride was present in her body as she thought about how successful seokjin has been with his business so far.

"i always told you he's an amazing man," minah teased, taking a seat on her couch. she rested her legs up on the soft material and laid her head back.

chairman park let out a sigh on the other end of the call, "i'm glad i told you of my approval before you came out with his business. otherwise i would seem like a very materialistic man."

"that's right," minah clicked her tongue. "anyway, thank you dad, seokjin will be so happy and grateful, i know it."

"just be well and happy, my dear."

the smile on minah's face couldn't be washed off as she ended the call with her father and took a deep breath before leaving her apartment and knocking on seokjin's door.

"min–" seokjin was cut out by minah's arms wrapping around his neck in one swift movement. "woah, woah," he chuckled warmly, placing a hand on her lower back in amusement. minah inhaled deeply before pulling away from the man.

"he said yes!" she squealed, placing her hands against her cheeks but seokjin raised a brow for clarification. "my dad! he approves of our relationship!"

"are you serious?" seokjin's lips formed a perfect smile and he pulled the blushing woman towards him again, against his chest. "thank you so much," he whispered, burying his face into minah's neck. she felt her cheeks flush furiously but the anticipation of this exact moment made her eyes water.

"wait a second," seokjin suddenly said, pulling away from minah. his eyes raked over her tomato-coloured face and after a few seconds, he took hold of her hand. minah sucked in a breath as his thumb drew small comforting circles on her knuckles. "park minah," seokjin breathed out her name slowly, the sound making minah's insides melt. "will you do the honour of dating me, kim seokjin?"

although his proposal was late, minah didn't think he would wait for her father's approval before making the relationship official. but it proved to her that the man standing before her was really one of a kind. 

so minah took a deep breath, "yes, kim seokjin. i'm all yours."

"oh, i like the sound of that," seokjin murmured seductively, pulling minah into his apartment.

the scent of grilled meat hit minah's nose instantly and she found herself walking away from seokjin and into the kitchen to see two full plates of lettuce and meat lying across the counter, freshly cooked. she scrunched her nose in satisfaction and pointed to the food. "is that...?"

"for you, yes it is." seokjin grabbed a piece of lettuce and placed some beef and pickles into it before inching the wrap towards minah's mouth. she happily opened wide, accepting his love-filled ssam.

as they made their way to the dining table, minah's phone buzzed repeatedly so she took it out of her pocket and held it up in question. it was her father, as usual, but this time the contents of the messages made both minah and seokjin share embarrassed looks.

so what are your plans now?

marriage? children? what's coming next?

you're not young anymore minah, maybe you should think about getting married soon...

i'm sure seokjin is just as eager as me to take your relationship further.

think through what i justsaid, i want to hold my grandchildren before i leave this world.

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