dish 14 ;; jajangmyeon

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"the shots came out really well," jaehwan wiggled his brows at seokjin who just shrugged.

"of course they did, im kim seokjin."

"this is a new side of you i've never seen," minah playfully whispered, nudging him with her arm.

seokjin smirked, leaning down towards her ear and whispered, "i can show you more back at my apartment." feeling a blush creep up on her cheeks, minah cleared her throat.

"oh wau," haeyoung walked into the conference room, her eyes raking over the posters scattered around the table. "we really did this, director park."

"it's all thanks to every single one of you and your hard work," minah applauded her employees, giving them a few more instructions on where and how to start setting up the posters. "that's all for today, our partnering companies will take care of the rest." she nodded curtly and then left the room, seokjin, jaehwan and haeyoung following behind her.

"there are a lot of rumours going on around the company about you and director park, you know," jaehwan whispered to seokjin who was walking beside him. "it's crazy enough that she lives in the same building as us and turned out to be the woman you were making homemade meals for– ah." minah stopped walking and turned to face him. jaehwan stopped abruptly with seokjin and haeyoung and kept his eyes down as minah quickly scanned the corridor.

"when everything's officially completed, the four of us can spend some time together," minah's heartbeat rose as she cleared her throat in an attempt to keep her professional posture, "that is, if you all would like to..."

"yeah, yes, that's great!" jaehwan's cheeks were dusted pink as he sent minah an encouraging smile.

"perfect," seokjin clapped his hands, taking a step to be beside minah. "we'll plan the date and time later, right now my jajangmyeon must be on its way."

"jajangmyeon?" the three questioned in unison.

"i ordered jajangmyeon for everyone in the company, call them over." seokjin rubbed minah's back softly before disappearing into the canteen to find the delivery man.

minah held in a smile at his sincerity and instructed her team to come down to the canteen for their late lunch.

"wau, seokjin-sshi must be making a lot of money with this model job."

"where can i sign up to be a model?"

"he's trying to impress director park, it's obvious."

"well it seems to be working, look at that smile on her face."

"i'm impressed too," haeyoung stuck her face in front of the man that was watching minah and seokjin. "impressed at how many times you've invaded their privacy."

"when will anyone ever show that much interest in me and my private life?" a dramatic jaehwan took the seat next to haeyoung, placing his hand against his heart. haeyoung let out a chuckle and gestured for the couple to join their table with their black bean noodles.

"what's the joke about?" seokjin asked, pulling out a chair for minah before taking his place next to her. the team members shared looks nervously before shaking their heads.

"we're just grateful for what you did for us, seokjin-sshi."

"that's not what i heard a few minutes ago," haeyoung raised a brow. "just kidding, let's eat."

minah already had her suspicions about some of her employees. she wasn't stupid and certainly not deaf, so she had heard about some of the rumours circulating around the company. but she didn't care. park minah liked kim seokjin and although she hadn't heard it directly from seokjin, yet, she knew he felt the same. that meant their "rumours" were essentially true anyway, and if their relationship progressed, which is what minah wanted, then it would be known to practically all of south korea within the next few months.

"how long has it been since we've had jajangmyeon like this?" jaehwan tilted his head up in satisfaction, interrupting minah's thoughts. she let out a deep breath and then slurped some noodles.

seokjin caught minah daydreaming and slowly placed his hand under the table, on her thigh. minah almost choked on the noodles at the sudden contact and attempted to push his hand off, but seokjin let out a cough to disguise his laugh. minah gulped down some water as goosebumps erupted on her skin. seokjin's thumb began to massage her inner thigh and she almost let out a soft moan but bit her tongue instead to suppress it.

"director park? are you alright?" a female employee sat opposite minah asked in concern, but minah just forced a smile, nodding her head.

seokjin looked down at his jajangmyeon bowl in amusement, his hand inching up minah's thigh. coincidentally, jaehwan dropped his napkin and bent down to pick it up, his eyes meeting his best friend's hand. jaehwan's head shot up, bumping against the bottom of the table in the process. "ow!" he groaned, rubbing the top of his head, everyone's attention on the man now.

"did you see something down there?" an employee joked to jaehwan, to which minah's eyes widened. she forced seokjin's hand off of her thigh and stood up.

"i just remembered something i have to take care of," minah let out a nervous chuckle and without waiting for anyone's response, she dashed out of the canteen.

"she can be such a tease sometimes," seokjin snickeredquietly, his eyes following minah out.

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