dish 17 ;; sujebi

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the time seokjin had sternly told minah to be waiting outside her company building. she tapped her heels against the cold floor, her eyes darting from side to side for any sign of seokjin's car. just as minah unlocked her phone, a honking car made her look up quickly. seokjin waved, gesturing for minah to get inside.

"we're going to watch a movie," he smiled, glancing at minah before clearing his throat. "think of it as our first date."

at the word date, minah's eyes widened and she kept her head low to hide the blush forming on her cheeks. first date...

"you want our first cinema date to be an action movie?" seokjin's mouth was ajar as he stared at minah in disbelief.

she nodded excitedly, pointing at one of the newest releases on the board. "this seems good!"

ten minutes later and seokjin had been dragged across the screening onto his seat, letting out a soft groan. "why can't we watch something more... romantic?"

"we can leave the romance for home."

seokjin's head turned so fast towards the woman sitting next to him that he could have gotten whiplash, whereas minah, only realising a few seconds later what had come out of her mouth, she pressed the palm of her hand against her lips.

"your wish is my command," seokjin chuckled, casually placing his arm around her shoulder. minah's body tensed as the lights went out and the movie began to play. the heat radiating off of seokjin's arm was enough to quicken her heartbeat.

after a while, minah became comfortable in her seat and began to react to the action scenes wildly, leaving seokjin to feel some second-hand embarrassment. "yes! that's it!" she cheered, fist pumping the air as the antagonist was thrown across the room.

seokjin let out a small yawn, rubbing his forehead in boredom before a cheeky idea popped into his head. he removed his arm from minah's chair - not that she noticed anyway considering how focused she was on the movie - and placed it close to her thigh. minah ignored the sudden change in posture and fell back against her chair as the violent scene ended. she blew her fringe away from her face, placing both her arms down to rest on her lap.

seokjin waited for the right chance, and when the protagonist and his love interest started hitting it off in a hotel room, seokjin took hold of minah's hand. she cocked her head to the side slightly in question but he pulled her off of the seat and onto his lap so that she was straddling him. "the perks of being at the back of the screening room," seokjin smirked, holding minah's hands down. she stared at him wide-eyed at the unexpected action before attempting to get off, but seokjin just pulled her in towards him.

"w-what are you doing? i'm going to end up missing the rest of the movie," minah whispered roughly, trying to hide the fact that her face was extremely flushed.

"they're making love," seokjin deadpanned, placing his hands on minah's hips. "wouldn't you rather we go home and maybe re-enact the scene?"

minah snorted, pushing seokjin's hands away and hurriedly fell back on her seat again. she let her heart rate slow down before kicking him on the shin. "you paid money for this, i can't let it go to waste."

seokjin smiled unconsciously at her comment, sinking down into his seat. "right now, i'd rather we let that money go to waste."


seokjin held tightly onto minah's hand as he unlocked his apartment door and pulled her in. gently pushing her up against the wall, seokjin's eyes wandered down to her red lips and he instinctively licked his own. "jin," minah murmured, her eyes taking in every inch of seokjin's flawless face. "i'm hungr–" as if on cue, her stomach growled loudly, setting the two off into a fit of giggles.

"go freshen up, i'll bring something out for you," seokjin grinned, taking off towards the kitchen.

minah soon took a seat at the dining table as seokjin came out with the dish tray. he placed it in front of her, picking up his bowl of sujebi and took the seat opposite. "personally hand torn noodles, just for you," seokjin winked, earning a soft smile from minah. she took a whiff of the pleasant smell and then sipped some soup off of her spoon. "how is it?" seokjin asked, following her actions with his own bowl.

"do i even have to answer that?" minah chuckled, tucking into her dish as a new conversation sparked between the couple.

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