dish 12 ;; bibimbap

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the night seemed endless as both seokjin and minah shuffled around in their beds, recalling the events of the day.

"he's so sweet," minah smiled, her fingers exploring the silver drops bracelet.

 "she's so cute," seokjin mumbled under the covers, chuckling at the memory of minah hurriedly unlocking her front door and rushing inside.

just as minah switched the lamp light off, her phone buzzed.

message from: jin

hey~ i can drop you off to work tomorrow? since you left your car at the company parking lot because of dinner...

minah's lips formed an o when she realised that she had in fact left her car at the company parking lot. but the thought of seokjin dropping her to work early morning didn't sound so bad.

seokjin rolled over on his bed as his phone vibrated with a reply from minah,

message from: minmin

i'd like that

sweet dreams, jin

seokjin's face scrunched up and stomach flipped as he read over the messages over and over until finally, he drifted off into a good night's sleep.


the next morning, minah woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. she let out a yawn, sitting up on her bed as her ringtone continuously echoed in the room. before she could answer the call, the ringing stopped so minah quickly grabbed hold of the phone and looked through her notifications.

4 missed calls from chairman park

12 unread messages from chairman park

groaning at the thought of her father wanting to speak to her so early in the morning, minah was going to ignore the missed calls and just read the messages, but as soon as she tapped on their chat, her father's caller id showed up on the screen again.

"yes?" she sighed, slipping off her bed to get some water.

"minah why didn't you answer my calls?"

"i was sleeping, what do you expect?" she rolled her eyes.

"it's almost 8 o'clock, why are you not at work yet?" her father scolded her for another two minutes and all minah did was stay silent, waiting for him to get to the point.

"i was just about to look at your texts," she stated impatiently to which her father let out a sigh.

"about that, what have you been doing with that model of yours?"

"what about him?"

"he was working for you, so it's understandable if you're seen with him in the company, but what on earth do you think you're doing going out with him out of working hours?"

minah raised a brow, "how do you know i go out with him?"

"listen to me park minah, you are a well-known businesswoman. i shouldn't have to remind you about scandals and the media, you already know how ruthless they can be."

"so you've been paying someone to follow me around? is that what this is about, keeping me away from scandals?" minah bit the inside of her mouth as she quickly scanned through the messages he had sent. they consisted of pictures of seokjin and herself when they were out for dinner last night. minah didn't know her father would go to such awful lengths just to keep his name clean, and that annoyed her. "why don't you just say that you're worried about your own name and business going into ruins, mr chairman?"

her father cleared his throat, giving minah a few seconds to calm down. "i don't want people seeing you around with that man. he's just a model, he's not good for you."

"and i don't need you to decide who's good for me, seokjin-sshi is a wonderful man, and... i like him."

"you're just infatuated minah, he's a pretty boy, and that's it."

"he may just look like a pretty face to you dad, but he's the man that helps me get through each and every day in seoul. i like him, and nothing you say is going to change that." minah ended the call and threw her phone across the kitchen counter with a frustrated screech.

she gulped down a glass of water and when her phone started ringing again, minah almost smashed it with her feet, but this time the person calling was seokjin.

"park minah," seokjin chirped; she relaxed at the sound of his sweet voice, waiting for him to carry on. "if you're ready, we can leave now..."

in the midst of all the mess her father had created, minah had forgotten about work. "aah, j-jin, give me 20 minutes please, i'll meet you down at the parking lot." seokjin let out a small chuckle and once the call ended, minah rushed around her apartment to make it to work in time.


it was a long and painful day for minah. although seokjin constantly texted her, she was aching to see him again after work.

tapping her heels against the elevator floor, minah tried to contain the excitement bubbling up in the pit of her stomach at the thought of seokjin waiting outside her door. as she left the elevator, she spotted the brown haired man taking a step out of his apartment. minah's steps became faster, her heartbeat accelerating at an abnormal level as she collided with seokjin's chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. "woah there," seokjin gasped at the sudden contact, balancing the dish tray in one hand as his other hand came to rest around minah's waist.

"i missed you," minah murmured against his neck, letting out a content sigh. chills ran up seokjin's spine at her warm voice and he closed his eyes, enjoying their first intimate moment.

after a few minutes, the dish tray began to wobble in seokjin's hand so he pulled back slowly, "bibimbap, at mine or yours?"

minah let out a small laugh, taking the dish tray off of him and unlocking the door to her apartment.

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