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"Last call for the flight to California now boarding." I didn't have anything to worry about except for the fact of were am I going to stay. I got on the plane, and it took flight 5 minutes later. Christmas was five days ago. I am seated in B5 next to a familiar man.

"Um, excuse me," I tapped his shoulder, "um, hi, you look familiar." As soon as he looked over, I recognized the face, he greets the Logang, Logan Paul, and in the other seat closest to him is Jake.

"HEY!" You saw he had his camera out.

"Oh, Logan! Hi! My name is (Y/N). I'm a fan," I greeted with kindness.

"Hi, nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Jake interrupted.

"Hi, Jake! I am a fan of yours too." I shared smiles with the two brothers. It was a quiet flight. As soon as the plane landed, I waited for Logan and Jake to get off before me. But that wasn't happening.

"Jake, let (Y/N) go in front of us." He grabbed my hand and lifted me up, and I tried to reach my bags, but it was to no avail. I was too lazy, and they were far back.

"Um, Logan?"


"Can you get that for me?" He reached up and grabbed them (he still had a hold of one of the bags). "Thanks." I stared at his blue eyes, and he stared right back into my (insert your eye color) eyes.

"Come on, you lovebirds!" Jake shouted, ruining the moment. I got off the plane and heard the screaming shouts of "Logan!" and "Jake!". The fans were muted when I got off, and Logan still had one of my bags. It has my camera in it. I continued walking and went to baggage claim and got my bags and walked to the door. I sat there, pondering whether to call an Uber. "Oh, hi Mark," I looked over, "das my Boy!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it was Jake. "Do you need a ride?"

"Um, sure." I stood up and followed Jake to Logan and stood there looking at them.

"She needs a ride."


"Ok, here we go."

"(Y/N), do you need anything else?"

"A place to stay."

"Team 10 house or apartment?" Mark, Logan, and Jake looked at you.

"Pranks, pranks, and more pranks? Apartment it is." I got in the back seat of Mark's car and went off to Logan's apartment. Soon after, Logan's phone started to ring.

"Hey, bro," Logan answered a face time from his brother.

"PRANK WAR BABY!" Jake yelled before he hung up.

Author: Thanks for reading the beginning of "Das my Girl."

Das my girl! (Logan Paul x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now