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"Hey Logan, how are you?" I asked him answering the phone

"Hey can we face time?" He asked

"Sure," I answering the face time call "We need to talk."

"About what?" He seemed a little freaked out

"I got a babysitting job," I told him in an excited tone "Also I think we should talk about our future together." 

"Oh..." He said sounding disappointed

"Don't worry it's nothing bad." I smiled

"Oh! Well I need you to go to the store and by some puppy things." He said looking at his floor

"Wait why?!" I yelled yelled more excited

"I got a puppy!" He pointed his phone down at a little pomeranian puppy

"Awww," I yelled "My heart is melting!" I ran into a room and showed Maverick

"WHAT THE FRICK BRO!" Maverick squawked at Logan

"Dude you are still my son and best friend, bro." Logan told him
Maverick flew away from the phone squawking words the shall not be said
"Wow," I gasped "Your Bird has a potty mouth!" I laughed
We continued to talk for hours not wanting to hang up.

"Well I gotta go to bed." He said yawing

"What time is it," I asked looking at the alarm clock "It's 5:20 am!" 

We said our goodbyes, goodnights, and I love yous.

"What an amazing man." I sighed laying my phone on the bed. I finally drifted to sleep dreaming about Logan's warmth and his love.

Das my girl! (Logan Paul x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now