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Logan had woken you up early for the drive to San Francisco. He had planned out the entire day without telling you anything that was going to take place. All he said was that it would be a day to remember. The two of you had been together since December, and it is now April. Things were going well and you were growing closer as the days went on. Logan had planned the trip out due to the fact that you weren't able to really do anything for his birthday. "(Y/N)? Everything okay?" Logan asked as he quickly glanced at you before turning back to the road.
"Yeah. I was just thinking about what all could happen today is all," you said as you smiled.
"Okay, just checking. Are you excited?"
"I am." After the long drive, Logan pulled into the parking lot of a zoo. "Whoa, what?"
"I thought you'd like this. I always love coming to any sort of zoo, so I definitely needed this in the plan for my birthday celebration," Logan said, coming to help you out. He had paid the entrance fee and started dragging you off to get the wristbands. Once everything was taken care for, the two of you entered the gates. Logan's first instinct had ended you up at the exotic bird exhibit. "Some of these birds look like Maverick."
"I agree." You went and looked around at the other animals, holding hands as you went. Soon, Logan was dragging you yet again. He lead the two of you to a small food cart, ordering some fried things to share. You sat at a table once the food was done and fed each other, smiling and laughing the whole time. Sadly, because of the schedule Logan had created, it was soon time to leave the zoo. The two of you loaded up and went off, heading to the next stop. Logan soon had the two of you at a beach, checking into a small hotel that overlooked the ocean. You spent the rest of the day just resting on the beach and swimming. He lead you back to the hotel around dinner time, and you smiled softly as he lead you back to the room to change.
"We have reservations at eight at the restaurant down the way. This is for you. Go put it on," Logan said, handing you a dress bag. You smiled softly as you walked off to the bathroom. You slipped into the casual, yet elegant, evening gown, meeting back up with Logan.
"Can you zip me up?" you asked as you walked up to him. He turned to look at you, his breath visibly catching in his throat.
"You look amazing, (Y/N)," he said as he slid the zipper up.
"Thank you, Logan. You look amazing as well." Once ready, the two of you left and made it just in time to be seated at the table. After a while, food and drink was ordered, and the two of you kept up conversation. When the food arrived, you thanked the servers and smiled at Logan before starting to eat. After enjoying the meal and each other's company, Logan paid the bill and walked you back to the hotel. You lead him back up to the room he rented and shuffled inside, heading straight for the balcony. Logan stood behind you as you looked out at the moon reflecting off the surface of the water, wrapping his arms around your waist. After some time had passed, he turned you around in his arms and smiled softly. You watched as he leaned in slightly, closing his eyes and pressing his lips against yours. You closed your eyes as well, fire erupting inside your stomach as your lips moved in a perfect dance under the stars. You moved your hands to his hair, entwining your fingers with the soft blonde locks. When the need for air became too much, Logan pulled away, panting softly. You looked up at him as he smiled, biting his bottom lip softly.
"Thank you for being with me. It means a lot, (Y/N)."
"No, thank you, Logan. For everything. I have a present for you. I was waiting for the right time for this, and I think that that time is right here, right now," you said softly.
"What is it?"

Author's Note:
Chapter 13!! My friend helped me write this chapter. She's also going to write the next chapter for me, so expect it soon. Chapter 14 is going to be a SMUT chapter. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You can skip over that chapter if you want to and wait for the update after. Thank you all so much!

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