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I was reading the paper and I saw this add.
~Need a weekend job? Call this number~
I dialed the number. A lady picked up,
"Hello,Who is this?" She said in a calm gentle voice.
"Hi my name is (Y/N). I saw your add in the paper." I told the nice lady.
"Oh! I thought no one actually read the paper. You know I wanted an easy way to find a babysitter, and not have to get TEN people calling." She said sounding surprised
"Guess putting an add in the paper was the right choice." I laughed, there was an awkward pause.
"I guess so!" she laughed
"So, do you want to interview me?" I asked, knowing that's usually what happens
"Yes, give me your address an I'll be right over, with Violet and Harry." She informed me. I gave her the address. 

Das my girl! (Logan Paul x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now