Twenty Four; Final

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Logan's POV

(Y/N) and I have been married for fifty years. She went on to go to a technical college in LA where she graduated with a degree in child health care. She was a very successful social service worker for the state of California. We moved into a house, a few of our friends lived with us for awhile but they soon moved out. (Y/N) and I had four children. My internet career continued until our first child was born, than I ended it.

A few years ago she got sick and she began forgetting things. the events started off small but she had begun forgetting more and more events like our marriage. She had forgotten my birthday, I thought nothing of it. A few months later she forgot who I was, but she never forgot my name.

She has been hospitalized for the past couple weeks. She has forgotten our children's real names but calls them by family members names; Bella, Edward, Alice, and Jasper. They visit but down bring our grandchildren with them, they want them to remember their grandma the way she was before all this. I never leave her room, I'm scared that if I do, when I come back she'll be gone and I'll be alone.

"you never leave my side, do you?" She coughed out

"Shh, save your strength (Y/N)." I whispered as I wiped the fresh tears from my face

"I-I want to thank you. For this time we've spent together. Even if I don't remember who you are. I feel like I've known you for years." Her breathing slowed as the words she spoke slipped off her lips.

I smiled remembering the old her, when she wasn't sick. "It's okay (Y/N), I'll always be here for you. I love, you." I reached across the bed and grabbed her hand, they're so cold.

"I'm tired." She managed to speak out while shutting her eyes, her voice has weakened and it almost isn't audible anymore.

"I'm never going to leave you. You're my wife. My best friend. There person I could always go to," My vice began cracking and tears tugged at my eyes "Thank you for everything you gave me, even though I never deserved it."

After I finished everything I needed to say, the gripped she had on my hand began to weaken.

"I love you too, L-logan." She spoke with her final breath. She let go of my hand and her muscles relaxed. The heart monitor made a loud noise signaling her heart stopped and doctors rushed in and to her side. I'll never forget the joy she brought to me just by smiling or walking into the room. I'll never forget her personality. I'll never forget her.

~A/N- Hello everyone. This is sadly the final chapter of Das My Girl! Thank you all for the support and love for this story. I cried while writing this chapter. I hope everyone enjoyed it. I have many other work you can check out. I love you all! Have a good day/night, Peace!~

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