Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


       I wish I could be as carefree as Jerome at times. He procrastinated so much and it never seemed to bother him. If I procrastinated, I would only be stressing the whole time and get really bad anxiety, so I always had to finish my schoolwork as soon as I could.

       Like right now.

       I was working on an essay for English class while Jerome was filming a video in the kitchen with June. The essay wasn't even due for another five days and it would probably take me three hours at the most, but I wouldn't be able to go a single day without thinking about it.

       Starting it now didn't stop me from feeling too stressed out about it.

       I really hated schoolwork.

       The worst part about writing an essay was the introduction paragraph. That always took me the longest.

       I sighed and rested my head against the couch, rubbing my face. I hated this so much.

       "Hey, babe?" Jerome called from the kitchen.

       "Yeah?" I asked.

       "Are you taking it easy?"


       "Because you look really stressed out."

       I looked over at him. "I'm fine."

      "You know it's not due for another five days, right?" he asked. "You can do it on the weekend."

       "Not really. I promise, I'm not stressed out. I just need to write the stupid introduction paragraph."

       "Do it last."


       "Do it last. If you already know what you want to write for the body paragraphs, then write the introduction afterwards. I do it all the time. It helps."


       "Yeah, really."

       I shrugged before I looked back at my laptop, taking Jerome's advice and getting started on the first body paragraph instead.

       He was right. It really was helping.

       I was able to finish two of the paragraphs when Jerome and June finished filming the video. They both walked into the living room and flopped down on the L-shaped couch with June laying down on the side I wasn't on and Jerome sitting down beside me.

       "So, is it working?" he asked.

       "Yeah, it's really helping," I said. "I just want to get it done."

       "You have five days, like Jerome said," June said. "I don't see why you have to get it done today."

       "He stresses out to easily," Jerome said. "And if he does wait until, like, the last two days or something, he'll be really stressed and his anxiety gets really bad." Jerome looked at me. "I don't want to see you stressing out by pushing through this today, though."

       "At least I'll get it done and over with," I said.

       "How about you just do the body paragraphs, then do the conclusion and introduction tomorrow?" Jerome suggested.

       "No thanks," I said. "I'd rather get it done today so I don't have to deal with it afterwards."


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