Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


       The games were really beginning on VidGalore. The next day when Jerome was vlogging, he addressed everything Dirk had said and told everyone exactly why it was a lie.

       And of course, he did it in his normal savage way.

       He kept saying us Princes were savages, but he really was one too.

       This time, I didn't mind being in the background with him vlogging. Recently, I normally went upstairs in our bedroom while he vlogged, but I didn't really care right now, especially because of the rumor Dirk just had to start. Well, he didn't start it, but he added to the fire.

       So I was laying on the couch with Snowball curled up in a ball beside me.

       "So, what I would like to know is why Nolan and I were never told we got a divorce," Jerome said to his camera. "It was so awkward referring to him as my husband when this whole time, we were divorced. Yeah, so, regarding those rumors going around that someone had to add to, no, Nolan and I didn't get a divorce. We are still together and we still haven't had any relationship problems at all. People need to remember that vloggers don't document every single thing in their lives. Yes, I did have my wedding ring off in a video, but I always take it off when I'm doing a video that will make a lot of mess. Yes, Nolan hasn't been in any of my videos recently and I haven't mentioned him, but there's a reason behind that I'm not going to get into."

       "Your viewers would have noticed if we were divorced anyway," I spoke up.

       "Exactly," Jerome said, looking back at the camera. "When we were broken, they noticed. It would have been a lot worse if we really did get a divorce. That, and I probably would have been dead right now because Nolan's grandpa would have killed me. Don't cross his ships."

       "You know, one time he was reading a book and his ship broke up, so he burned it," I said.

       "Well, that's disrespectful to the book," Jerome said. "But also so like him."

       "He was grounded for a month," I said. "It was when he was a teenager, so he has always been a major fangirl."

       "That, I believe," Jerome said before he looked at the camera. "So, yeah, if you ever want to know something about me, don't rely on Dirk to let you know because everything he says about me or Nolan isn't true. Except that Jerlan is the cutest couple because obviously, we are. So, to end that note, Dirk is wrong. Again. And I would really appreciate it if he stopped 'confirming things' or saying what really happened in my life because he has no idea what's going out. I will see you guys next time. Jerome, out."

       He turned off the camera and sat down on the couch, setting the camera on the coffee table. "I really wished Dirk would stop trying to stir things up," I said.

       "It bothers you a lot, doesn't it?" Jerome asked.

       I sighed. "Yeah. I just hate how people think they know what's going on in our relationship when they don't. And I hate when people thing we'll break up soon or that we were too young to get married."

       "If we were too young to get married, then the legal age to get married wouldn't have been eighteen," Jerome pointed out.

       "It doesn't help that we got engaged when I was seventeen," I said.

       "Oh, sorry," Jerome said. "Want me to go back in time and change it so I propose when you're eighteen?"

       "What? No," I said. "I love that you proposed earlier, I just....You know how insecure I am. All the comments about me being too young or too immature gets to me. I guess it's my fault for dating a famous VidGalore person."

       "Is that why you haven't been wanting to be seen on camera?" Jerome asked. "Because of the comments?"

       "Yeah, kind of," I said. "Hate comments suck. How do you get through it?"

       "Simple," Jerome said. "One way is knowing that most haters can't seem to spell, so I ignore them immediately. And second, by knowing that I have a lot more supporters than haters. Haters can hate all they want but by the end of the day, there's not that many of them. What's really bothering you?"

       "What do you mean?"

       "You never let the haters get to you before. In fact, you always released the Prince savage on them."

       I sighed. "I don't know."

       "You do know. Seriously, what's wrong?"

       "Am I too clingy?"


       "I feel like I'm too clingy. I couldn't even make it a week without you being here, even though we texted and video chatted every chance we got."

       "Nolan, you are definitely not clingy."


       "Yeah, promise. Clingy would be having to be by my side every second. You don't. You just need me close by in case something goes wrong. Besides, I probably would have come back early from Montreal anyway without Alan telling me too. I....didn't really like it there."


       "Yeah. I felt a bit left out. At the reunion, I was the youngest one there and I didn't really know anyone. Even when I went to meet up with my old dance team, I still felt left out. The only people I was talking to were Ryder and Mae. I do love Montreal, but....I don't know, I guess it feels different after moving away from there three and a half years ago."

       "We can always go there together," I said. "You know, when I'm not swamped with school."

       "Sounds like a plan, but we first have to go on our honeymoon," Jerome said. "Which reminds me, I officially booked the hotel. We'll be heading there the day after your last exam."

       "Perfect," I said. "That will actually be a great way to relive all the stress. What's Whistler like?"

       "It's amazing," Jerome said. "Ooh, and you definitely are trying the BeaverTails."

       I scrunched up my nose. "No thanks."

       "Oh, relax, it's not an actual beaver tail," he said. "It's a deep fried dough pastry shaped like a beaver tail, and there are so many different topping choices."

       "Oh. Then yeah, I'll actually try it. I can't wait to go there."

       "Me too."


*sobs in French because there weren't any BeaverTails in Whistler*

I'll have to learn to make my own but alas, it won't be the same. :( Seriously, all the BeaverTails around here shut down. THANKS A LOT FOR DESTROYING MY DREAMS.

*continues sobbing in French*

So I LOST MY PAINTING PALETTE. idk how since it's quite big, and I swear I had it either under my desk or my small table by the door but nope. I checked everywhere. :/

....It's probably in my brother's room since I used to have that room and I think I still have a few stuff there. cx But I'm just going to be a new one since that one is old. I FINALLY KNOW WHAT IM PAINTING NOW YAY.

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