Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


       I was woken up suddenly when my cell phone started ringing. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted at the clock on the nightstand to check the time. Two in the morning.

       I sighed and grabbed my cell phone, answering it without looking at the caller id. "Hello?" I said, my voice being close to a mumble because I was dead tired.

       "Hey," Alan said. "Sorry for waking you up, really need to come home."

       I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Is everything okay?"

       "Not really," Alan said. "Nolan's being very stubborn. He keeps saying that he's okay and that he'll be okay with you in Montreal, but he's not. He just had a major breakdown."

       "How major?" I asked.

       "He just broke down crying," Alan said. "It woke me up and when I went to go check on him, he completely lost it. He didn't even try hiding it. He said that he really misses you and he doesn't think he can cope any longer, but he also didn't want to call you because he thinks you'll be mad."

       "What?" I asked. "I could never be mad at him. I told him that if he needs me, he just has to tell me and I'll come home."

       "I know," Alan said. "That's why I'm calling. He's being too stubborn about it. He's really struggling though. I haven't seen him act like this before. He was even drunk last night."

       I raised an eyebrow. "Whoa, wait. Nolan, my Nolan, was drunk last night?"

       "Yeah, after the midterm, he went out and he came back very drunk. He was an adorable drunk, but the fact is that he even went out drinking in the first place proves how much this is hurting him. So, can you come back?"

       "Yeah, I'll book the closest flight I can," I said. 

       "Okay," Alan said. "Text me what time the flight is and about when it would land so I can come pick you up, and I'll bring Nolan with me."

       "Okay," I said. "Thank you for calling me."

       "Yeah, of course," Alan said. "I want what's best for my brother and right now, it's having his husband by his side."

       After we hung up, I got off of the bed to sit at the desk where I set my laptop. I really hoped I would be able to book a flight soon.

       Well, I was able to.

       There was one in three hours that I was able to book. After it was booked, I texted Alan to tell him what time my flight left and about the time it would arrive in Miami before I began packing up my stuff so I could nap for a bit and wouldn't have to do it later.

       I guess I was making too much noise because there was a knock on the guestroom door. I walked over and opened it, seeing Dad standing there. "Is everything okay?" he asked.

       "Not really," I said. "Nolan's brother called me. Nolan just had a major breakdown and he really needs me, so I have to head home early. I booked a flight at five."

       "Oh, okay," Dad said. "Do you need me to drive you to the airport?"

       "Actually, yeah," I said. "That way, I won't have to rent a cab. It won't bother you waking up in a few hours?"

       Dad shook his head. "No, not at all."

       "Thanks," I said.

       "Just knock on my door when you're ready to leave," he said.

       "Okay," I said.

       Dad headed back to the room he was staying in and I went back to packing up. When everything was packed, I laid back down so I could rest for a tiny bit before having to leave for my flight.

       I thought I wasn't going to be able to get any sleep, but before I knew it, the alarm went off. I turned it off and got out of bed before getting changed, then putting my pajamas in my suitcase. I went to the room my dad was staying in and knocked on the door. When he answered it, I told him I was ready to leave. He just had to get ready so while he was doing so, I brought my suitcase and my backpack down the stairs.

       We got to the airport fifteen minutes before I had to board my flight. Dad offered to stay with me until then, but I told him to head back to grandpa's so he could get some sleep, but I thanked him for bringing me here.

       My flight finally was called to start boarding. I really hoped there wouldn't be any delays because I needed to get back home.

       When I was on the flight, I tried falling asleep since I was very tired, but I was too worried about Nolan. He hated when I got drunk or even drank, but he went out drinking and got drunk. He even hated the thought about alcohol, especially when he was only eighteen, but he drank anyway.

       The flight, despite being only three and a half hours, felt like it was taking forever. I got a text ten minutes before we were about to land. Alan told me they were waiting at the airport and Nolan seemed close to having another breakdown.

       The plan finally landed and as soon as I got off, I went to retrieve my suitcase. Afterwards, I looked at my phone to see the text from Alan which told me where he and Nolan were waiting.

       I looked around, wanting to find Nolan soon. When I finally found him, he hurried over to me and I wrapped my arms around him tightly as he slightly cried. I knew I shouldn't have gone to Montreal. He wasn't use to even the slightest amount of change and not being with me was too drastic of a change for his anxiety to handle.

       I pulled away from him and cupped his face in my hands, wiping his tears away. "Are you okay?" I asked.

       "No," Nolan said, his voice cracking. "I thought I would be okay, but I'm not."

       "You should have called me," I said. "I told you to call if you needed me to come home."

       "I didn't want you to be mad at me," Nolan said. "For ruining the reunion."

       "Nolan, I could never be mad at you," I said. "I love you."

       "I love you too," Nolan said.

       I gave him a kiss before pulling him into a hug again. I was never going to leave his side for a long time now after this.


Aww, Jerlan reunion. <3

I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE VIDGALORE REALITY TV SHOW NOW. I GOT SO MANY IDEAS FOR IT. It might even be Jerlan's third book. :D (lol sorry tulip, but jerlan is jerlan. that and i don't really have too many ideas for tulip's book. cx)

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