Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


       "Hey, Nolan?!" I called from downstairs since he was upstairs in our bedroom.


       "Come downstairs?!"


       "Because we're going out somewhere!"


       "Are you only capable with answering using one word only?!"


       "Ha ha, very funny! I'm serious, Nolan! I want to go out somewhere!"


       "Would you just come here?!"

       Nolan didn't reply, but it was soon enough before I heard him walking down the stairs. When he reached downstairs, he sighed. "Now will you tell me where we're going?" he asked.

       "Yes, I will," I said. "We are going to your first ever college party."

       Nolan raised an eyebrow. "I've been to one before, remember? When I was fifteen? It was a few days before my sixteenth birthday."

       "Oh, right," I said. "Then we had to leave because of that stupid Never Have I Ever game when I was drinking every single round. So, you up to going?"

       Nolan shrugged. "Don't know. I'm not much of a party person, and there will probably be way too many people there for me."

       "Hey, we can leave the party anytime," I said. "Even after I minute of showing up, though I don't want that to really happen...."

       "Can't you go without me?" Nolan asked.

       "Oh, yes, I would absolutely love to go to a party without my husband," I said. "You know, see all those friends, or those couples making out. Not to mention I'll probably end up drinking now that I'm legal too, so I kind of need someone there to make sure I stay sober. Or that I don't drink too much."

       Nolan sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I don't want you drinking, Jerome."

       "I'm not going to, I swear," I said. "Well, I might." Nolan gave me a flat look. "Oh, come on. I'm twenty-one, there will be alcohol. It's not rocket science."

       "So, you want me to come to, in a way, babysit you?" Nolan asked.

       "No," I said. "I want you to come because I want to hang out with you outside of the house. Just think, there will be music...."

       "We can listen to music here."

       "Lots of places to make out."

       "We can make out here."

       "There will be drinks."

       "Uh, I'm eighteen, remember? I can't drink, and I wouldn't want to anyway."

       "We can...."

       "We can do anything here that we can there," Nolan interrupted. "I'm seriously not a party person. If you really want to go, I'm fine with you going."

       "Really?" I asked.

       "Yes, really," Nolan said. "You're twenty-one. I can't stop you from going."

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