Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


       I had a feeling Jerome was going to be the first one eliminated in this competition because after the first challenge, there was no way anyone would see me as a threat. I couldn't even stay in the box for half the time.

       Right now, Jerome and I were in the kitchen for lunch, waiting for the next challenge to be set up. Jerome or I had to win and if it was going to be anything like the last challenge, then there was no hope.

       Jerome poured two glasses of orange juice and set them on the counter where I was sitting at before sitting down beside me. "Can you please stop looking so upset?" he asked. "This is just a game."

       "Yes, a competitive game," I said. "I feel bad about the last challenge. If I actually tried, then maybe...."

       "Nolan, don't," Jerome interrupted. "If you actually tried, then you probably would have been in a worse state. Everything will be fine. There's a chance one of us will win today's challenge and can get one of us off."

       "Depending what the challenge is," I said. "And knowing my fail of a self, I'm going to be the first one to lose."

       "Don't call yourself a fail," Jerome said. "Every single person has strengths and weaknesses, and there will be challenges you'll do great at that not everyone will. Stop being so hard on yourself."

       I sighed. "Sorry. It's just after the first challenge, I don't exactly feel confident. Look, if any of us win today, we'll take you off the voting for elimination. You'll make it further in this whole competition than I will."

       "Okay," Jerome said.

       It wasn't long before Lucy announced that it was time for the challenge. We all met at the backdoor before she led us outside.

       In the backyard were ten logs standing upright. If this challenge was what I thought it was going to be, then I was screwed yet again.

       "This challenge is going to take a lot of concentration and balance," Lucy said. "All of you are going to be on one of those logs balancing on one foot. The last person standing wins."

       "Can we switch feet if it's getting too exhausting?" Bessie asked.

       "Yes, you can," Lucy said. "But only if both feet don't touch the log for even a second. If you think you'll be able to land it, you're going to have to hop off of one foot and land on the other. And remember, whoever wins this challenge can either take Jerome or Nolan off the voting for elimination, be immune to elimination next week, or have some sort of advantage towards the next challenge. Everyone, go stand on a log with both feet. Once I say go, take one foot off and hope for the best."

       I sighed as we walked over to one of the logs. I was going to be the first one done yet again, so this was going to be all up to Jerome. We may have been teaming up with other people, but they might not want to take one of us down and I completely understood. For example, if Millie won and took one of us down, Dirk would most likely put Fitz up.

       I stood on the log with both of my feet and I was already feeling myself losing balance. Why did I have to be such a klutz?

       Lucy said, "Go," and I lifted one of my feet off of the log.

       I wasn't even standing on for thirty seconds before I lost my balance and accidentally stepped off. 

       "And Nolan is down," Lucy said as I headed over to the sitting area. This was really up to Jerome.

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