Chapter 45

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Chapter 45


       Even though I still felt like the weakest competitor, I must have been doing something right in the game because I did win the fan favourite again.

       Dirk was mad that I was the only person who won it more than once, especially because he never won it, but I think it was because of the way he had been treating people in this game. He was literally trashing everyone and it was all airing on TV.

       In fact, one of the reasons I won fan favourite again was because 'Dirk is the reason the Nolan Protection Squad exists and why Nolan deserves fan favourite.'

       Hey, I was all for winning it again and getting all those advantages. The second time I was fan favourite, I was able to choose someone to be immune to elimination. Since Jerome and I were both still immune at that time, I choose Millie which was a good choice because Paula won and was going to put both Millie and Fitz on.

       Fitz, unfortunately, was the one who was eliminated.

       There were four of us left in the game, and I was really upset Jerome wasn't one of them. Paula, Dirk, and Bessie were still in the game and were still teaming up. Paula won the challenge to put up two people, so she put up me and Jerome. I won the next challenge and as much as I wanted to take Jerome off, he told me to take myself off. Paula then put up Dirk, but I knew that was only because I would have been the only one to vote to eliminate him.

       I was. Jerome lost that and was eliminated from the game.

       There was no way I was going to last with three people against me, unless I somehow kept winning the challenges to put up people.

       We were all in the living room, waiting for the next challenge to being after Lucy announced who the fan favourite was.

       "Alright," Lucy said, looking at her clipboard. "I'm sure you're all dying to know who this week's fan favourite is. Whoever it is and whichever card they choose can make or break the game. So, here are the reasons for this week's fan favourite." She looked at her clipboard. "'More protection needed.' 'Must protect him.' 'The squad is here and the squad is voting. No one can beat the squad.' So, congratulations, again, Nolan for being this week's fan favourite."

       "No," Dirk said. "No way. Three times? That's not fair."

       "Hey, the squad wants what it wants," Jerome said. "Stop being a poor sport just because you've never won fan favourite."

       "At least I'm still in the game," Dirk said. Jerome just glared at Dirk as Lucy told me to choose a card from the box.

       I got up from the couch and grabbed a random card before staring at it. No. Way.

       "Well? Read it out loud so everyone else knows what it says," Lucy said.

       I cleared my throat before reading off the card. "Bring any eliminated competitor back into the game and cause a double elimination. The two people who are up for elimination after Friday's challenge will both be gone."

       This card will really make or break the game. I was definitely bringing Jerome back into the game, but if both of us lost today's challenge, we would no doubt be put up, and if neither of us won the second challenge, we would both be gone.

       Oh well. I wouldn't have made it far by myself anyway.

       "I don't even have to ask who you're bringing back into the game," Lucy said as I sat back down. "Jerome, welcome back."

       Jerome smiled and gave me a side hug. "I'm still so proud of my husband for being everyone's favourite," he said.

       "Not everyone's," Dirk said.

       "Oh, sorry," Jerome said. "For being so amazing that he was the fan favourite not once, not twice, but three time. Is that better?"

       "I'll be right back," Lucy said. "I just have to go tell the maintenance to set the challenge up for one more person." She then went out to the backyard.

       "Don't think this will put you two to an advantage," Dirk said. "It's three against two."

       "Wow, really?" Jerome asked. "I didn't know that at all. I thought it was one against four. Could have fooled me." 

       Dirk didn't even reply. He just glared at Jerome.

       Lucy came back, telling us everything was set up. We all headed to the backyard and the five that weren't in the game headed to the seating area.

       Five dividers were set up with a table and a small whiteboard with a marker. "I hope you five have a good memory," Lucy said. "You're all going to need it."

       Well, I lost.

       I couldn't even remember my own birthday.

       I sighed as we each went to our own stations and grabbed the whiteboard and marker. "This is how it's going to work," Lucy said. "I am going to ask ten questions from events or sayings that has happened so far in the competition. Whoever has the most points by the end of the ten questions wins. Ready? First question. When the first episode aired, which pair was shown first arriving to the house?"

       How could I remember? I didn't even remember what I ate for breakfast today. 

       I was just going to wing it and put me and Jerome down because we were the best pair.

       ....I was starting to sound too much like him.

       "And time," Lucy said, so we all turned around the whiteboard to show her. "The answer is Jerome and Nolan." She wasn't saying who got the question right, but she was keeping track on her clipboard. "Get ready for the next question."

       She continued with the questions and by the last question, I only got three right. Three out of ten. I definitely did not win this.

       "Alright, I want you all to step out of your stations," Lucy said, and we did.

       Dirk immediately noticed that I wasn't looking very confident so he smirked at me. I just ignored him and looked down.

       "This challenge was very close," Lucy said. "The winner won by only one point, so....congratulations, Jerome. You're the winner of this challenge."

       Hearing that Jerome won made me wrap my arms around him tightly. We were both safe this week and we were going to make it to the top three.

       "Alright, Jerome, who are you putting up?" Lucy asked.

       "I'll put up Dirk and Paula," Jerome said.

       Dirk snorted. "Of course."

       "What was that?" Jerome asked. "The sound of me winning this challenge after you said this won't put us to an advantage because by the end of the week, it will be two against one."



Omg we're so close to getting to Rhys's book and I can't wait. :D I have so much planned for it and I'm so excited.

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