Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


       "Hey, Nolan," Jerome said in a soft voice. I was really tempted to hit him with my pillow because he never let me sleep. Seriously, almost everyday, he insisted on waking me up for the stupidest reasons. He was hungry and didn't want to make breakfast. He was bored and wanted me to pay attention to him. Or he couldn't go back to bed, so it would only be fair if I wake up.

       "Go away," I muttered, pulling the pillow over my head.

       "No, you have to pay attention to me," he said.

       "It's too early."

       "Uh, no, it's, like, nine in the morning."

       "Nine in the morning?! That's too early to be awake on a day of no school. We're no longer getting married, Jerome. I'm calling off the engagement."

       "Well, that's rude. Calling off the engagement the day before the wedding? I thought you loved me."

       I didn't reply as I sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes before looking at him. "So....It's tomorrow."

       "Yeah," Jerome said with a thin smile. "Tomorrow, we will officially be married."

       "Officially?" I asked. "What, are we unofficially married right now?"

       "Totally. So, guess what day it is."

       "Uh, a weekday?"


       "The day after Christmas?"


       "And what?"

       Jerome raised an eyebrow. "Are you being serious, or did you really forget your birthday?"

       I stared at him for a bit. "Oh. Right, I forgot."

       "Do you do this every year?" Jerome asked. "Forget your own birthday?"

       "Yes. I forget everyone's birthdays unless someone wishes them a happy birthday. Except for yours."

       "That must hurt your family. Forgetting their birthdays and not mine."

       I shrugged. "Oops."

       "Well, we have to get out of bed to head over to your family's house," Jerome said. "Because just in case you forgot, it's also your brother and sister's birthday."

       "Of course I know that," I said. "I mean, now that you mention it."

       Jerome snorted and leaned over before kissing my cheek. "You're still cute, though."

       "I know. I'm always cute."

      "Of course you are."

       Even though I didn't want to, I had to get out of bed so we could head over to my family's house for the day. It was going to be weird not spending the day there since it was my first birthday living away from home which was why we were going to head there right away.

       It would have been different if it was only my birthday, but it was my fellow triplets' birthdays as well so I had to spend the day with them.

       After Jerome and I were all ready to go, we left the house with Snowball and Blizzard and started walking to my family's home. I was someone who couldn't cope with sudden changes, so Jerome made sure the house we found was walking distance from my family.

       As soon as I walked into the house, Tulip rushed over to me and gave me a hug. "Happy birthday, Nolan," she said.

       "Thank you," I said.

       "And guess what tomorrow is," Tulip said.

       "I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess my wedding?"

       That, of course, got Tulip to squeal. If she ever heard that word, she would squeal, especially when her OTPs were involved.

       Dad came down the stairs as he carried William. "Tulip, why are you squealing?" he asked.

       "Uh, because look who's here," Tulip said. "The soon-to-be newly weds. Their wedding is tomorrow, so I have every right to squeal."

       Dad chuckled as he set William on the ground before giving me a hug. "Happy birthday," he said.

       "Thank you," I said. "I'm now feeling even more happy that I moved out after I graduated otherwise I would be hearing Tulip squeal all the time."

       "Yeah, we still have to hear it all the time without you living here," Dad said. "It's always Jerlan this and Jerlan that."

       "That's because Jerlan is the best ship in the world," Jerome said. 

       "I beg to differ," Orchid spoke up from her spot on the living room couch.

       "No," Dad said. "No way do you and your Smythe boyfriend beat Nolan and his soon-to-be-husband."

       Orchid sighed. "Dad, you and Sebastian really need to get over that stupid feud you have. Atticus and I are dating, we're in love, get over it."

       "I won't ever get over it until you break up," Dad said.

       "Mom, can you tell Dad to get over it?" Orchid asked.

       "Sorry, but I already tried," Mom said. "Your father is a very stubborn person."

       "Flower!" Dad said.

       "Don't Flower me," Mom said. "You and Sebastian have this feud over nothing. You really need to grow up."

       "We are grown up," Dad objected.

       Mom scoffed. "Not really. Orchid and Atticus love each other. Why can't you be happy for your daughter?"

       "I am," Dad said. "And I will be even more happier once she breaks up with that Smythe spawn."

       "I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you otherwise," Orchid said. "Hey, I'm eighteen now. You know what that means? I could move out, and move in with Atticus now that I'm an adult and you can't tell me what to do."

       "I moved out when I was seventeen," I pointed out.

       "Yes, and why is that?" Dad asked.

       "Because I moved in with my fiance?" 

       "Yeah, fiance, not boyfriend. And Jerome's last name isn't Smythe. It's Roy."

       "Yeah, I haven't met all of these Smythes, but they certainly can't be worse than the Roys," Jerome said.

        "See?" Orchid said. "I've met Atticus's parents before, and I see them all the time. They are nothing compared to Jerome's parents. No offense, Jerome."

       Jerome raised an eyebrow. "No offense? How would I be offended by that when it's true? My parents are the worse. Well, my mom is. I don't know about my dad. He's coming to the wedding by the way."

       "He is?" Dad asked.

       Jerome nodded. "Yeah, he sent an RSVP saying he's coming, and my grandpa recently told me that my parents are actually getting a divorce. Apparently, my dad doesn't like the way he and my mom have been treating me so he wanted to change that, but my mom didn't like that. I don't know if he actually changed. I'm going to have to wait for tomorrow and see."



I was hoping I would be able to get it up today, but my brother and I ended up battling together on Pokemon Sun and Moon and that took up a lot of time. cx We only stopped because I'm currently working on homework while I work on this. cx

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