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Roman was worried, his dragon seemed upset and he couldn't figure out why. He was usually very good at figuring out why his usually happy would be upset. This time was different though his dragon, nicknamed Dad because of how he would parent the younglings, seemed antsy. 

He was impossible to ride meaning that Roman had to get rides off other people like a little kid. It was infuriating especially considering the only person willing to give him a lift was his neighbor. That guy was so annoying, he only wore black, he was rude, and he smirked, and he had really warm brown, eyes, and he was super witty.

"Stop that, he might be cute, but he is still annoying and rude," Roman chided himself when he caught his mind wandering towards his only mode of transportation at the moment. 

"This will end soon, the vet is coming tomorrow to check on him and then everything will go back to normal and I'll never have to talk to Anx again," he said, talking to himself as he drifted off to a sleep that was filled with images of the smirking male. 

The sound of his doorbell woke Roman up. He looked at his clock and though, "SHIT! I slept in,". He quickly pulled on a pair of pants and ran downstairs.

"Hello, I'm here to inspect your dragon," was the first thing his visitor said.

"Of course right this way. He hasn't been really eating lately and he seems very antsy," Roman informed while leading the way to the backyard. The vet spent a good hour examining the dragon, every tsking sound made causing Roman to grow more and more nervous.

"Good news! He's not sick. He just has found a potential mate," The vet said when they were done. 

Roman was confused there was only one other dragon his saw on a regular basis and- it dawned on him. He and his dragon had the same problem. They were in love with the neighbor. 

It took Roman 4 days to gather the courage to go and knock on Anx's door, this was not because Roman was a coward, no this was because he had no idea how to tell Anx's that his happy dragon was in love with the stoic one. 

"Yeah?" Anx asked when he opened the door.

"Shit, I'm gay," Roman though when he saw the other. "Uh um...so apparently my dragon, Dad has been sick, well not actually sick, but you know how he's been because he's in love with your dragon?" he stumbled through the statement though it came out more like a question. 

"That would explain why Logan's been acting like he has, he probably feels the same way," Anx responded taking notices of how red Roman's face was. 

"So do you maybe want to introduce them or something?" Roman asked not really sure where to do from here.

"Sure, but you have to take me out on a date," Anx replied with a wink. 

"Um.......sure. I'd love to," Roman answered caught off guard.

"Great you'll pick me up at 6 on Friday," Anx said, turning to go into his home.

Apparently Roman and his dragon weren't the only ones with crushes. 

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