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A/N this is based of off this drawing ( by umbreon-and-choclate4life on tumblr.

Anxiety had always loved the night sky, even if pollution made it hard to see the stars sometime. That's why sometimes he would disappear for days at a time just to go camping where he could see the stars. He didn't know the constellations, the small planets, or any of the science stuff, he just really liked how the sky looked. He would always talk to the moon. Telling her about Logan was one of his favorite things to do. He could go on and on about how Logic was one the only other reasonable one in the house, how smart he was, or how about how even though he wasn't the best with emotions because he thought they impaired logically thinking, but he would still try and help Anxiety through an attack. Anxiety loved to tell the moon about Logan. 

"Anx, where are you going? It's 11 pm?" Logan asked when he noticed Anxiety was trying to sneak out the front door. 

Anxiety paused, trying to think of an explanation, before saying, "Just going out for a walk. You don't have to wait up for me," he turned the doorknob and opened the door, but he paused just a second too long. 

That second was all Logan needed to notice that Anxiety had some camping gear with him and keys in his hands. "Does a walk usually involve a tent and car keys?" Logan asked in a tone that clearly conveyed that he knew Anxiety wasn't going on a walk.

"Yeah, it's a walk to my car," Anxiety replied with a weak smile as he tried to figure out if he should tell Logan about the stargazing.

Logan raised one of his eyebrows and smirked a little as he said, "And where are you going in the car?" 

Anxiety swallowed and made up his mind. He responded "I'm going stargazing," he paused waiting for Logan's reaction, waiting to see if Logan would laugh at him.

Logan smiled and said, "Can I come? I haven't been stargazing in years," He looked hopefully and like Anxiety held the hold world on a string.

"Sure, the car is already packed, so get anything else you might need. I'm leaving in 10 minutes, so be quick," Anxiety answered before walking out the door. His heart was pounding in his chest as he thought about the smile on Logan's face. He had a lot to tell the moon tonight after Logan went to sleep. 

9.5 minutes later they were in the car driving to the nearby woods, and the area that Anxiety always camped out in. "How often do you do this?" Logan asked when they had spent a good 15 minutes just sitting next to each other listening to the radio and not talking. 

"Pretty often, I try to do it once a month, but sometimes I'm too busy and can't get out here," Anxiety answered not taking his eyes off of the road.

Logan looked at him and responded, "This is where you go when you disappear?" He had thought that Anxiety had just been hiding in his room for extended periods of time.

"Yeah, but I don't leave for days at a time as much anymore, speaking of which this trip is just going to be for tonight," he replied this time looking away from the road for a split second to give him a quick smile. 

It took them about 13 minutes to get there after that. Those 13 minutes were filled with an easy conversation that neither of them remembered the details of, but they remebered the feelings of joy that the other brought.

"So now what?" Logan asked when they had finished setting up camp.

Anxiety smiled and grabbed Logan's hand as he flopped onto the ground, pulling Logan down with him and saying with a smile almost as bright as the stars, "This, we stare at the stars and we be happy,"

Logan noticed that Anxiety hadn't let go of his hand yet, but he really didn't mind, he actually really like the way it fit in his, but sadly he left something in the car, so he got up while quickly saying, "Sorry, give me a minute and I'll be right back," 

Anxiety sat up mildly interested in what had drawn Logan away from him. He almost laughed when he saw what it was. "A book really?" he asked in a teasing tone. 

"Yes, I don't know all the constellations yet, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to study them," Logan replied defensively as he clutched the book close to his chest.

Anxiety rolled his eyes and responded, "Neither do I. Just enjoy the beauty of space without worrying about knowing all about it. You don't need to understand something to know it's beautiful,"

"I know," Logan breathed out to low for Anxiety to hear as he stared to the right of him at the smiling boy who had known for years but had never known or understood until now. 

Once again the talked and talked without really remembering what was said, only that the other was smiling and laughing and that the stars could never compare to it. Logan fell asleep around 1:45 am and Anxiety took it as a chance to talk to the moon.

"He's amazing," Anxiety said, staring at the moon before continuing, "I don't understand how someone as amazing as him could want to spend time with me, but I am so glad he does. I am so glad that he can put up with the walking mess that is me. He's just breathtaking, Did you notice the way his nose crinkles when he smiles or the way his eyes light up when he's really passionate about something. Breathtaking," Anxiety paused unsure about the next words, but he had the undeniable need to say them.

"I think I may be in love with him, or at least falling in love with him," he whispered, stealing a glance at Logan to make sure he was still sleeping. He was. Anxiety relaxed a little and curled up next to him as the sounds of the forest and Logan's own breathing carried him off to sleep.

In the morning the packed up camp, not saying a word, but unlikely before the silence didn't have a hint of awkwardness, it was much more comfortable and relaxed. When they got in the car Logan told Anxiety, "Thank you for letting me come with,"

Anxiety smiled and replied, "It was no problem," and it wasn't it was actually the exact opposite of a problem. 

In that moment Anxiety was the happiest he had been in a long time. He wasn't thinking about if anyone had noticed they were gone or if Logan had actually hated it. He was thinking about the way Logan's hands had felt in his as they looked up at the sky together. 

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