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Neither of them ever thought they'd end up here but was once a silly crush had spiraled into feelings that were sometimes both too much and too little at the same time.

It didn't hit him like a truck, where Logan was instantaneously in love with Patton. That's not what happened, it was slow steady feeling that wore down the walls that he built to protect himself until he was in love.

On the other hand, Patton falling in love with Logan was riddled with setbacks. At times there was progress, where Logan was a sort of kind to Patton, genuinely seeming to enjoy Patton's company and did things that made Patton's heart skip a beat, but at other times he ignores him, was condescending, and some of his actions boarded on being cruel. It was only when Logan accepted his feelings and was consistently good to Patton that Patton fell in love.

Now you might be thinking that once they both realized and accept their feelings that they would both go and confess their love and live happily ever after. Well, you would be wrong. It would be years of accidental touches setting faces aflame, getting caught staring at the other, wanting to hold on for a second longer, late nights praying it's not unrequited and early morning tears because they're certain that the other could never love them back.

Until one day it's too much. the dam broke causing Patton to fall to his knees crying. He couldn't sit by idly and pretend like things same as they've always been. They weren't and they hadn't been in awhile. Pretending like he wasn't in love with Logan was getting him nowhere, it was destroying him.

While Patton crying and breaking on the inside, Logan was on the other side of the house trying not to lose hope. He had to hang even though it was illogical, but it would be worse to succumb to hopelessness, so he decides the only logical thing to do would be to confess his feelings.

"Hopefully the sting of rejection will not last too long," Logan thought to himself as he went to find Patton.

At the sound of approaching footsteps, Patton hastily tried to wipe away his tears and compose himself, but it was too late Logan had finally seen the pain that Patton was hiding.

He dropped down to Patton's level and asked, "What's wrong?"

Patton shook his head and mumbled, "Nothing, go away please" It hurt having him so close.

"Pat, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" Logan responded as gently as he could.

Flinching at the sound of his nickname coming from Logan's mouth, he once again said, "Go away, please" This time sound more desperate and for moment Logan considering leaving Patton there, but he didn't because now that he knew that Patton was hurt he couldn't leave him.

"If you won't tell me what's wrong, then tell me how to help you," he implored. He hated this feeling of helplessness.

"Why? Why do you care?" Patton asked in a voice just as broken as he was.

Logan paused, not sure if he should confess his feeling or not. On one hand, knowing that he was cared for, loved, might make Patton feel better, but on the other hand, it might be overwhelming. "Because I care very deeply for you" he answered carefully.

"Lo, please, don't give me false hope" Patton whispered, not daring to look at Logan.

Saying that Logan was confused would be an understatement. "What do you mean? False hope for what?" he asked.

"That you feel the same way" Patton mumbled.

Logan's heart stopped and he took a risk. "Patton, how I feel about you can be summed up in three words. I love you"

Patton finally looked at Logan, and in a weak voice asked, "Really?"

"Yes, I've loved you for years" Logan answered with a small smile.

When he heard those blessed words Patton launched himself into Logan's arms. "I love you too"

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