New Teacher

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"Jayce Kris Morgans" Hanna demands as she stands beside me at my locker her arms crossed "What the hell did you do?" I look up and being at her as I slide my backpack into my locker my eyes traveling around the busy hall.

"You like?" I smirk in response as I take my binder handing her hers. She glares at me as she keeps her arms crossed her eyes eyeing me up as she puts a finger to her lip as she pretend to think.

My used to be brown hair, was now dyed a dark black. I knew it was a new look and we'll it made my blue eyes pop. I loved the new look. I found this conditioner thing that made my hair look super fluffy and was kind of obsessed with it. I have been growing my hair out for a while and it has slowly grew past my ears and falls into my eyes.

Hanna and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We've been through everything. The divorce of her parents. The sudden death of my three cousins and their parents. The move that brought my parents to a new part of the city. We were like two peas in a pod. We did everything together. No one in town saw one of us alone. We always were with the other. No matter what time it was, we'd be walking arms linked as she babbles about some new guy she was crushing on or listening to me as I complain about the hot jock who punched me, early one morning only to get his ass handed to him. She's the only person that understands me. No one else in this shitty town wanted to get to know me. As soon as they saw me walk into class, with my snake bites and tattoos they turned the other cheek. Only other people who actually took a liking to me, was my football team. They talked inside of school, and outside of school

"It looks great" she exclaims "What did your mom think?"

"She got over it" I shrug "she knew it was bound to happen"

"You're like the worst kid ever" she tsks as we slip into the classroom just as the bell rings.

"And you're not?" I smirk giving her the knowing look

"Shut up" she whines slapping me with her purse "No one knows about that"

"I do"

"You're a no one"

"Ouch" I grin as she rolls her eyes sitting at her desk

"Why am I friends with you?" She groans as we hear the door open

I open my mouth to give some snark comment when a deep voice stops me

"Good morning class" the voice announces "I'm Mr. Price and I will be your new teacher for the rest of the year"

I look up and make my way from his feet.

Standing at the front of the class is a pair of black addidas shoes. A pair of jeans cling nicely to his toned lower half. A white shirt sits neatly on his chest as it is covered by a black dress shirt. My eyes continue up his body as I meet a sharp jaw line and full lips. He has brown hair that looks like it hasn't seen a brush in almost two days. A pair of hazel eyes stare at me and I freeze. Our eyes lock for a little over a minute until I finally look away. I glance at the class and see more than half of the girls drooling over him. One of them, Emily, smiles flirtously at him as she twirls her hair around her finger. He finally decides to speak

"Might as well do attendance and see who is here and not here"

''Hanna Gray"


"Ryley Jones"

"Yeah bro"

"Jackie Karters"

"Here" a small voice at the back of the room pipes up. I glance back and see the small 5'3 emo chick with her hood up. I've literally known Jackie all my life. She was the shy sweet girl that sat in the back, never saying a single word. She however did like me. She would talk to me and whenever we had group projects she would come over and ask to join our group. Hanna wasn't a big fan of her but I loved her. Not many people got to know her because of her shyness but I saw past it taking a liking to her right away.

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