Caught in the Act

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Kayden smirks against my lips as his tongue traces over my bottom lip, as he teasingly bit my lip. I part my lips and Kayden took advantage by sliding his tongue into my mouth. By now, I could feel my cheeks burning. Knowing that we were in the open and anyone could pass by and see us.

I grabbed Kayden's shoulder pulling him even closer as his hands slide down my stomach, resting by the hem of my shirt.

Kayden pulls away from the kiss as he kisses down the side of my neck. He bit down on my neck and I let out a whine as he licks over the stinging mark. He trailed his lips back up towards my ear and nipped at it

I gasped at the sudden movement and moved my hands to his neck. Pulling him closer, I roughly crash our lips together. Our lips fit perfectly together. He had slightly chapped lips and they felt perfect.

He growled into my mouth, as my hands, on their own, moved down to squeeze his butt. Our tongues slide against one another and his hand slides up under my shirt, running up along my chest.

A condom lands on my chest and we pull apart fast, looking to see who it was. Seeing a familiar figure walking, I groan.

"She had to fucking ruin it" Kayden chuckles as he slides off of me and sits beside me pulling me up

"What do you want Hanna?" I ask. She smirks at me

"I came to stop you two from having sex on a public play area" she smirks as she sits down between us looking from one to the other.

I feel my cheeks flush and hide my face in my hands.

"Shut up" I groan "we weren't gonna go that far"

"Sure looked like it!" She laughs "you groping his ass like that" She smirks at me "And you raping his chest" she looks at Kayden who looks away

"What happened to Drew?" I ask hoping she'd change the subject.

She instantly perks up and looks at me

"Oh! He got called in to work. So he told me he'd see me later"

"Later as in" I ask

"Oh he said he'll sneak into my place tonight, since my mom is pissed at me"

"What the hell did you do?" I ask "aren't you guys going too fast?"

"I failed my English essay, thanks by the way" she looks at Kayden who shrugs,

"Your fault for putting a full page of 'z's'"

"Not the point" she groans in frustration, "We're not taking it too fast. We've known each other two weeks"

"That's fast in my opinion"

''Shut up peanut gallery" Hanna yells. I grab Kayden's hand behind her back and he glances at me, smiling,

"It is" I respond "You need to take it slower"

"We're taking it slow"

"Remember Trent?"

"Shut up about Trent" she threatens

"You guys took it too fast, and we both know that didn't go down so well" I continue "take it slower. I can't see you being hurt again"

"Fine!" She scoffs "I'll tell him I can't see him tonight"

I nod and gesture to her phone. She rolls her eyes and grabs it texting him. Showing it to me.

Hey. Sorry i cant see u tonite. i need to study for my test tomorow, Ill meet u tomorow nite. It's Friday anyways.

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