shit happens

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"Kayden" I hiss as i push at his chest, "stop that!"

"Come on J" kayden whines as he leaves hot kisses down my neck "no one will know"

"For starters the fucking door is open" I groan as I tilt my head my inner concious telling me not too "and two, I'm gonna be late for class"

"We can fix the first problem" kayden smirks as he gets up shutting the door, stalking back towards me

"sir" I say as I back up against the wall "we can't do this" I try to act like a civilized student, but it was getting harder to do so considering the way Kayden was staring at me.

"Who said we can't?" He asks as his hands grab mine pinning them above my head

"It's just not pro--" a strangled moan leaves my lips as he bites my neck.

"What was that?" he smirks

"you rat bastard" he licks at my neck kissing away the sting before he rips my shirt from my body "kayden!" I scold as I stare at the shirt that was no torn in half, that once sat on my body.

"What?" He asks looking up at me innocently "I didn't mean too"

"Dammit! Now what do I wear?"

"How about nothing?" Kayden smirks and I slap him "you walked right into that. Besides I know you liked it"

"Well" I stutter as I bite my lip eyeing him. He looked so good. From his ruffled hair to his khakis that sat perfectly on his ass to the tight maroon shirt that clung perfectly to his toned body. He slides his finger over my bottom lip before I smirk at him innocently pulling his index finger into my mouth. His eyes darken as he watches me.

"Fuck J" he groans as he tosses me down on his desk, after sliding everything off of it "I cant"

I look up at him as I kiss him roughly before pulling his shirt off tossing it to the side.

"Well what's stopping you?" I ask as I bite my lip. Our lips barely touch and the door swings open. I shove kayden off of me bracing for the worst when Indie stares at us.

"Well it's a good thing it was just me. Future reference might wanna lock the door"

"I thought you did" I scold kayden yet again as I look around for a shirt. Kayden chuckles before he hands me his shirt digging out his black hoodie

"What do you want?" Kayden asks Indie who leans against the wall eyeing us a smirk on his face.

"I came looking for Jayce. And I knew this would be the first place I'd find him" he laughs as he gestures for me to follow him

"I'll see you later" I say as I peck Kayden's lips. I drop to a whisper so that Indie wont hear my next sentence ''we are definitely gonna finish what we started"

"Dinner at my place tonight?" Kayden asks "kayls ain't home" kayden smirks at my comment and sends me a wink "certainly love"

"Sounds great. I'll see you then" I smile as I follow Indie down the hall. He eyes me a smirk on his face as he nudges me.

"Damn getting it on at school" he winks as he ducks away from my swinging arm

"Fuck off" I respond "it wasnt supposed to happen."

"Oh, so he accidently slipped and ripped your shirt of" indie snorts sarcastically a chuckle ripping past me

"Something like that" I laugh as we walk into the cafeteria. "What do you need me for anyways?"

"Well we have some cannabis, and Oliver said we're not allowed to do it without you"

"How kind of you to remember me" I smirk as we sit down Oliver and Jason looking up. Oliver meets my eyes before Indie slaps ten bucks on the table

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