English Dilemma

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"I shall go and drown myself" Mr. Price said as he walks around the class. He looks up from the book as he continues reading eyeing me a smirk on his face.

We were currently reading Othello in English class and almost everyone looked interested. Well almost everyone.

He continues walking around the class making sure that everyone was reading and not on their phone.  He walks past Hanna and stops.

"Mrs. Porter" he says "What's so important on your phone?" She looks up eyes wide and stutters

"My mom texted me"

"Mhm sure" he says "I don't think your mom's name is 'Drew. Love of my life"

She looks over at me and flushes a deep red

"He's important" she said

"And Shakespeare is more important" he snaps "hand me the phone"

"Sir" she starts

"Now" he says firmly as he holds out his hand

She sighs and slams the phone down into his hand as she glares at him and then at me.

"Fuck you" she mouths as I look away.

I haven't talked to Hanna in over a month. And ever since she has been nothing but a bitch. She had Drew come after me once. But I took care of him. She sent a couple of people from a gang after me, and I easily took them out 

She kept sending me threat after threat. She even said in one note she would expose me and Kayden. But knowing her she speaks but doesn't pull through with her threats.

I've been ignoring every single not she sent me. I haven't told anyone about Hanna. But both Zayn and Kayden know something is up.

And knowing me they know I will break under pressure.

"I'm going to hand out some questions and I want them handed in by the end of class. If you work hard enough, you'll have about five minutes to do something on your own. You have the remaining twenty five minutes to do so" Mr. Price says as he walks around the class handing out some papers.

He passes by me at the back of the class and shoots me a wink as he drops the paper onto my desk. I bite my lip as I grab my pencil.

Good thing Shakespeare was my strong suit. I knew I could finish these questions in five minutes. Looking over the paper I see we have to finish forty questions.

"Sir?" I hear one of the kids, I really don't know the name off and don't care, say in the front of the class "What if we don't finish these?"

"A big fat zero sits on your report card that comes out next week" he shrugs as he sits down at his desk, pulling out a big stack of paper to mark.

"But sit there are forty questions" he protests

"And twenty two minutes" he smiles sweetly "not that hard to finish them. I bet some of you are already on question sixteen" he looks at me and I look down at my paper seeing indeed I was on question sixteen.

I pull out my earphones and plug in my music. Turning on 'Chill by James Barker Band' and jam out to it. 

Every teacher at my school knew that my dyslexic usually got the best of me. And everyone knew that I needed music to keep my dyslexic at a low.

But English was my strong suit. And as long as I didn't have to do long essays and read lots of words at once, I usually was good 

I did need to go into an accommodation room thing mainly because I needed some cassette tape to read it out loud for me.

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