gotta love family

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"So how did you and Kayden meet?" Leah asks as she takes a bite of the casserole smiling at me. Oliver was sitting on the other side of me, and kept kicking me.

"They met at school" my mom says as she gives Leah the 'dont-you-dare-ask-anymore-questions' look.

"He's cute" Izzy smirks "a keeper"

I roll my eyes as Kayden smirks dropping his hand sliding down it onto my leg. His hand slides up along my leg and I shove some food into my mouth to stop any words from coming out.

"How was school?" My mom asks "How's Hanna?"

My parents knew that Hanna and I broke things off as friends, and my mom has been asking me lots about her.

Kayden's hand inches it's way up my leg and rests just by the waistband of my jeans. I gulp and glance at him, but he doesn't even look in my direction.

"Schools okay. I have an English test tomorrow.''I shrug "I don't even want to talk about Hanna"

My mom nods sympathetically as she looks at my dad who swallow his food before he speaks

"So this weekend, mom and I were thinking of taking you kids out to the cabin" he says

"This weekend?" I ask knowing that this weekend was the soccer tournament and our team was in first

"This weekend'' My dad clarifies "something wrong?''

"The tournament is this weekend" I say as Kayden's hand continues to assault my crotch

"I thought that was next weekend" my mom says a little sad

"Can we do it next weekend?" Izzy asks "I'm off and would want to have one more outing before the baby is here"

"Jayce?" My mom asks. I nod

"I'll make sure to have nothing planned for that weekend" I smile

"Great!" My dad beams "next weekend family trip to the cabin"

I smile and shove another fokrful of casserole into my mouth, glaring at Kayden who smirks, his hand dipping into my jeans. I jump banging my knee on the table and every single pair of eyes was on me

"Jayce?" My mom asks "everything okay?"

''I'm fine" I huff my free hand slapping Kayden's hand away from me "I need to go to the washroom"

I stand up and run up the stairs glaring at Kayden who wiggles his finger at me winking. I shut the door to the washroom and slide down against the door grabbing my hair. My phone buzzes again and I grab it out of my pocket.


I look at my phone and see that Zayn left me ten messages and four missed calls. I fumble to dial his number hoping he'd pick up. He does on the second ring

"Hey you okay?" I ask

"Hey J" Zayn sniffs "can we meet somewhere?"

"Yeah what's wrong?" I question

''I just need someone to talk to. Meet me at the bar we first met, I'll be in the corner booth"

"What time?"

"Seven o'clock" he responds "Thanks Jayce"

"Of course" I respond "I'm finishing supper and I'll be there"

"Okay see you soon"

I hang up and get up heading back down the stairs to the kitchen, taking Kayden's hand

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