Funerals and Airports

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The phone call that none of us wanted came during dinner when all of us where around the table.

We were all laughing and having a good time, when the ringing of the telephone stops us all.

We watch as my mom walks into the kitchen, grabbing the phone

"Hello?" She asks as she moves around in the kitchen "Yes this is she"

A minute of silence and we hear my mom drop the phone, and a crash.

I rush into the kitchen and see my mom on the floor holding her head in her hands.

"Honey?" My dad asks as he rushes past her to hold her "What's wrong?"

"It's Bree" she cries as she throws her arms around my dad's neck "They said they found her"

"That's good right?" My dad asks as we all look at one another. My mom shakes her head

"It's not how they wanted to find her" she sniffs. I freeze as I look at Leah who looks at Izzy.

"Wait" My dad says as it finally sinks in what my mom means

"They found her dead. A single bullet through her head." My dad curses as he gets up and stomps out of the kitchen slamming the door to their room

"You can't be serious?" Leah asks as she sniffs tears now streaming down her face

"I'm trying not to believe it" my mom cries "but that's what they told me"

"So what do we do now?" Izzy asks as the younger six girls walk into the room

"We wait for her body, and have a proper funeral"

I haven't been to school for about three days now. The air force brought Bree's body back to us two days ago and now my parents were planning the funeral.

I pull on a black pair of skinny jeans pairing it with a black dress shirt. I grab my glasses and my black shoes and walk down the hall. The doorbell rings and I go down to get the door.

Everyone in my family was at my aunts place getting ready and was meeting me there. So I was at home alone.

I open the door and see Kayden standing before me wearing a black suit. Zayn standing behind him.

"Hey?" I stutter as he pulls me into a hug

"Your mom told me about Bree" he shrugs as that explains everything. I break out of Kayden's hug and pull Zayn into a hug.

"Well come in" I smile as they walks in "I'm leaving in about ten minutes"

"Alright" he smiles as he kisses me softly. The kiss quickly gets heated and the doorbell rings yet again and i groan, causing Kayden to laugh and Zayn to mutter something about getting a room cause he wasn't going to watch live gay porn

I shuffle to the door and see Hanna standing before me, alone in a black dress.


She smiles softly a sad look in her eyes

''I heard about Bree" she whispers "I was hoping I could say goodbye to her"

"Yeah come in" I mutter as I gesture her into the house. "Guys we're leaving"

Kayden and Zayn come out of the kitchen with cookies in their hands and Zayn stops when he sees Hanna.

"You" he hisses as he glares at Hanna

''Zayn heel'' I groan. He stops on his heels and looks at me "Come here"

He obeys and walks up to me. I whisper in his ear

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